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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Hometown friends are forever, even if you don’t see them but twice a year. So thank you hometown friends, for being my rocks.

Thank you for always picking up where we left off. It’s not a question with these guys as to if you’ll be spending the summer together. Whether or not you kept in touch throughout the school year is actually irrelevant, because, regardless, it’s like you didn’t miss a beat. From stories and pictures it feels as if you were right there with them all year, they love who you love and hate who you hate. There isn’t an awkward moment of “I feel like you changed” because they know that if anything you have just grown up.

Thank you for never needing “plans”. Hometown friends know that there isn’t much excitement in your town, so they don’t expect to go out and do something extravagant every night. Due to the bond formed with these guys long ago, you can sit around a fire for hours joking around and be perfectly happy. All they care about is having your company.

Thank you for reminising with me. No matter who you meet in life, the only people who will ever truly understand your awkward middle school days are the ones who experienced it with you. These friends know that the embarrassing years are locked away and off topic for any newcomers into your life, because some stories just aren’t supposed to leave town.

Thank you for being family. Your parents treat them like their own, and there parents do the same to you. Everyone knows everyone’s business and invites aren’t needed. It is acceptable to just walk into each other’s houses because well, you’re all basically family.

Thank you for never judging me. Getting back after freshman year, most of us put on weight. Instead of criticizing and judging, these friends accept it, because they know you’re still the same, just a bit more plump.

Lastly, thank you for always being there. It doesn’t matter where in the globe you guys are, because you know that even if it is once a year, whenever everyone is back in town it will all be the same. No matter what happens in the real world, your friends group will always be your little piece of home that doesn’t change.

I'm just a northern girl living in a southern world. You've probably seen me giving a campus tour or distracting friends in the library.