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Saying Goodbye to Vine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Vine, you have been so good to me for so long. You were there for me in high school and college when I got stressed out and needed to laugh, and you were there when all I wanted was a good six second cover of a good song. Whatever I needed, you were there for me. But now that you’re leaving forever, I am so sad to see you go, but I know you weren’t so beloved by others the way you were by me and my friends. 

I have seen so many hilarious vines that I don’t even know where to begin with them. I think my number one favorite vine of all time is one of a dog that is laughing at a girl who is laughing, and it can be found here: https://vine.co/u/937385926722736128/likes?mode=list . This vine makes me laugh no matter what, and I can’t even explain why it’s so funny. Just know, this vine is hilarious. 

Another one of my all time favorite vines would definitely be the one of the guy trying to serenade some girls with one guitar note and only four words. https://vine.co/v/OFrzE2nVlm3

I think I find it so funny because he’s not being nice at all but the way he looks is like he thinks that he’s being the sweetest guy in the world and it is just so funny to me. 

And of course, I will never forget Marnie the dog. She’s this dog who was rescued at an old age and she walks around with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, btu she’s so cute! You should definitely check her out before vine shuts down for good at: https://vine.co/MarnieTheDog

All of this said, I will never forget you, Vine. You might be leaving, but you will never be forgotten. I think it’s for the best, and we can all just post our videos on twitter or instagram now. I’ll never forget you, Vine. 

I am currently a junior at ECU, majoring in Secondary English Education. I really just like to read and write.