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Melania Trump is Going to be Our Next First Lady

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

The election is finally over, and we can all sit back and have a sigh of relief because now we can stop seeing Clinton and Trump bashing each other on every TV commercial or debate, and we be free of campaign ads of every variety. Donald Trump won, and he is a very different man than the current President to say the least. Michelle Obama has used her time in the White House as an oppurtunity to get some of her ideas and values out into the world and help children in public schools who had pizza and tater tots as lunch options everyday, find healthier options.

If you’re anything like me, you’re wondering how Trump is going to be the POTUS. I sincerely hope that he does a good job because rooting for Donald Trump to fail is like rooting for the pilot to crash the plane that you’re on. But another question still stands for me: what will Melania Trump do with her time as FLOTUS? Often in US history, the First Ladies of the United States held platforms to speak to the issues and topics that they found were important to America and it’s people. Laura Bush’s platform was about childhood literacy because she was a librarian, Barbara Bush sought to end illiteracy in America, and Rosalynn Carter did a lot for mental health issues as well as AIDS in the United States. 

Perhaps Melania will advocate for immagrant rights because she will be the second First Lady to be born somewhere other than the United States (she was born in then Yugoslavia, now Slovenia) next to Louisa Adams in 1825. I will be very interested to see what she advocates for and what she finds important enough to speak out for during her time as FLOTUS because of her history both in fashion and modeling, and also because she only attended university for one year which is unlike many of the other most recent First Ladies who have gotten degrees. She does, however speak 6 different languages including, Italian, French, German, Slovene, Serbo-Croatian, and English.

I think the next four years will be very interesting to see, especially in terms of what Melania Trump will advocate for, or what she won’t advocate for. I wish the best to all of the Trumps in their journey to and in the White House because I wish the best for America and the American people. We definitely have an interesting four years ahead of us!

I am currently a junior at ECU, majoring in Secondary English Education. I really just like to read and write.