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5 Outfits Every ECU Girl Should Have

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

With so little storage in your tiny dorm room, it can be really hard to figure out what clothes you should bring and what clothes you can leave at home. From a sophomores perspective, here are 5 outfits that should be in every ECU girls closet.


Tailgate outfit

    Whether or not you actually go to a tailgate/football game, this is an important outfit. Its cute and fits the theme of the event, but it also is light enough so that if you’re in the sun all day you won’t be a sweating mess by the end of it. At ECU, this looks like a nice flowy shirt with some denim or cotton shorts with one aspect of purple, yellow, or both somewhere in there.



Going out outfit

    This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re hitting up a frat or the clubs downtown every single weekend, but even if you’re not a usual partier you should have a nice “i am going to a party” sort of outfit. This tends to be something a little tight that shows off your curves. Of course, go with whatever you are comfortable with, but the trend at the moment tends to be some sort of flirty shirt and some shorts. Pro tip for going downtown: heels will make you feel fantastic for about 45 minutes until they start being painful. If you do choose to wear heels, make sure you bring some ibuprofen!!



Semi professional outfit

    This is an outfit you will need when you need to make a good impression on someone.  Examples of this could be maybe a scholarship or job interview, a presentation, or if you are representing your club/sorority in some sort of event. This usually will be a dress that is still cute and age appropriate, but on the conservative side. Old navy and target have good t shirt dresses that are conservative without making you look like you’re a 40 year old woman.



Good bumming outfit

    Coming from a gal who wore leggings and t shirts for the entirety of spring semester, a good bumming outfit is super important. This is the outfit that is still “bummy” and super comfy, but it has that ~it~ factor. Maybe it makes your butt look really good, maybe the colors bring out your eyes. Whatever it is, you just feel like one of those hot instagram fitness gurus



Cute casual outfit

    This kinda goes without saying, but having something that is a step above leggings and a t-shirt without being super dressed up is a good middle ground outfit that can be used in lots of different situations. Maybe you have a date, maybe you just feel like looking cute, maybe you need to take pictures to advertise your event/club.



Welcome to pirate nation and may the odds be ever in your favor with trying to figure out how to save your hair from this greenville humidity!!


Hi! I'm Rachel, a freshman intended nursing major at ECU! Am I the most elequent speaker? Not really. Do I have my life together at all times? Aboslutely not. But in my 18 years on this planet, I have figured out a couple things. Hopefully I can make your day a little bit brighter after reading my stuff!