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5 Adorable Pug Facts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

1. A group of pugs is called a grumble, seriously, a grumble. How cute is that?!

2. Pugs actually grumble. It has to do with the way their face is shaped and how their nose is all squished into the rest of their face, but they make a lot of noises. They even have a tendancy to snore, and sometimes if they drink water too fast, it makes them sneeze. Aren’t you glad you don’t have a pug face!

3. Pugs were originally bred to be lapdogs of the Chinese Nobility, which explains why they are really social and not at all althletic. They’re pretty low maintence dogs, but they love to be around people and other dogs. Pugs can go on walks, but as soon as you want to jog, they are out (mostly because their top speed is between 3 and 5 miles per hour). Pugs prefer a candle lit dinner, or a dance party instead of a jog, but they also enjoy days inside and cuddles by the fire.

4. There is a popular social media pug named Doug. That’s right, Doug the pug. He’s straight outta Nashville, on every social media imaginable and enjoys pizza and ice cream. Who doesn’t? There’s Doug and his friend Leslie.

5. In addition to other dog rescue organizations like the SPCA and the Humane Society, there are pug rescue organizations that exist to help save some of these guys, one of which is the Pug Rescue of North Carolina! After all of this if you were thinking about adopting, Pug Rescue of NC is a great place to go.

I am currently a junior at ECU, majoring in Secondary English Education. I really just like to read and write.