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10 Songs You Need to Have on Your Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Do you ever get the feeling that Pandora, your car radio, or whatever source you go to for finding music, is failing you? Personally, I’m all for some mainstream jams and I’ll play them on repeat all day. But sometimes I’m looking for a little more. Don’t get me wrong; a lot of the time they really do satisfy that itch I have for a good song. But during those slow weeks where nothing is playing except the same old popular songs over and over, I feel that there must be an alternative.

When we’re looking for a song to turn on, we’re typically searching for music that can speak for the emotions we’re currently feeling. Popular music can sometimes fail us by not speaking to our soul the way we’d like, especially since popular music can be very limiting depending on what’s trending. Sure, the songs are amazing, and catchy, and so on, but we can sometimes feel like we’re being misled. A lot of popular music is made for…well…being popular. And while mainstream music can serve as some great music to listen to, we shouldn’t limit ourselves to it and pretend that there isn’t other music out there…music that, honestly, may better fit what you’re looking for.

Ladies, look no further. With the help of my boyfriend (who introduced me to most of these songs) I have compiled a list of some of the best “hidden gem” songs out there for any drive, study break, party, etc. If you’re anything like me, you might be hesitant to listen to these and think there’s no way any of them can be that good. Mainstream songs are mainstream for a reason right? But, in all seriousness, don’t knock ‘em just quite yet. Just click on a few of these (or all of them) and give them a shot. You’ll thank me later. 


Ocean Eyes- Billie Eilish 


Hoodie- Hey Violet 


In My Mind- Maty Noyes


Come First- Terror Jr


So Far Away- CMA


YOUTH- Troye Sivan


Boyfriend- Slowdance


I Remember- AlunaGeorge


UGH!- The 1975


Somewhere- Fabich x Ferdinand Weber 







Writing. Living. Loving. Laughing. Eating.