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NEDA in Tampa: Walking for a Cause

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Members of our Her Campus staff participated in the Nation Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Walk this Saturday at Al Lopez Park in Tampa, FL. The walk aimed to raise money and awareness to support eating disorders worldwide.

Eating disorders today have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, but only 1 in 10 people with eating disorders receive treatment.  NEDA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting individuals, as well as families, affected by eating disorders. NEDA participates in prevention and access to quality care that those individuals or their families need when dealing with an eating disorder. 

Baily Monarch, a young girl who suffered through anorexia nervosa starting at age 15, wanted to spread awareness around her hometown so she started the walk here in Tampa. She states, “ I had no idea that this event would have such a huge impact on our community…the diseases that were once characterized by silence and secrecy are now being brought into the open. My goal with this walk was to unite the Tampa Bay community, and together, raise awareness of eating disorders, so that no one would have to face the pain and suffering that I had to endure.”

Baily is truly an inspiration to so many people; she was responsible for what has become the largest NEDA walk ever created by a volunteer. Her Campus was proud to be represented at such an important event and will be looking for more followers to join in the 2013 5K walk next year.

Remember, everybody knows somebody who has been affected, so don’t be afraid to speak up or get involved.

Learn more at www.nationaleatingdisorders.org, or you can contact me at amavery@eckerd.edu if you have any further personal questions. More to come on the walk for next year so stay tuned! 

Some girls have all the fun; Devon Elizabeth Williams happens to be one of them. A carb loving, liberal hailing from Lakeville, Massachusetts, Devon is a senior at Eckerd College in Saint Petersburg, Florida pursuing a  major in Political Science with a double minor in Journalism and International Relations. After spending January 2011 in an intensive Winter Term program at the United Nations in New York, Devon realized that taking over the world will be more difficult than anticipated, but nothing that a vivacious red head in stilettos can’t handle. In her free time Devon is a bartending beauty queen who has a soft spot for blueberry pie, Broadway and the scheming antics of Blair Waldorf. When she’s not paddle boarding at the waterfront or laying out on Eckerd’s private South Beach you can find Devon singing in the alto section of the concert choir. At the end of the day Devon is thankful for Newport, RI, her family, Sadie the black lab, Paul Mitchell, her girlfriends, Cheetah, and rhinestones.