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Mari Prauer: She’s The Boss

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Mari Prauer is an exceptional first semester senior with a major in International Business and minors in Anthropology and Spanish. When she’s not at Zumba class with her roommates or laying out on Kappa Field, Mari is juggling a ton of leadership positions on campus. Her most notable role is as the face of Eckerd College serving our community as the president of the Student Ambassador Board. I was lucky enough to sit down with Mari, in her Nu 8 apartment, this week and get an inside look at her job and a day in her life!

Tell about your leadership positions on campus: From 2009 to 2011 I was the President of Hillel and I served as Belltower Campus Captain for the Fall of 2011.  I am currently the President of the Student Ambassador Board as well as a student interviewer.
What led you to pursue your leadership position on the ambassador board? I love Eckerd. I was nominated for the position and I thought it would be a great way to give back.
What is the typical day of the Director of the Student Ambassador Board? The primary responsibility is to make and maintain the schedule. I also have to communicate between the counselors and the Ambassadors. If any issues arise on tours I handle those. At the beginning of each spring semester I train up to 50 new ambassadors and oversee the entirety of their training; shadows, co tours, individuals, etc. Dividing and facilitating tours for our special admissions events such as Explore Eckerd Weekend and Spring Open House is also really important. On a monthly basis I plan and run student ambassador meetings as well as board meetings.

Being the Director of the Ambassador Board is pretty time consuming. What is the most difficult part of your job? The most difficult part is making sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to be doing. And making sure that everything gets done. And making the schedule sucks.
Do you feel pressure being the face of an organization that represents Eckerd College and its students to perspective students and families? Oh yeah, all the time. Because if anything happens with ambassadors it all comes back to me. Luckily nothing has happened lately…that I know about.
What is the best part about being an Eckerd student? Gosh, that’s really hard to answer. My favorite part about being an Eckerd student is all the opportunities that I have to travel and get leadership roles. I just really love all the people here. Excluding the people I live with…just kidding.
Does your position lead into your what you might like to pursue as a career? How do you see it helping you? If I knew what I wanted to do in the future it might (laughs). I definitely see myself in a leadership or management role in the future and this experience will definitely help.
What do you really impress upon the student ambassadors? Eckerd is a very special place and it needs to be communicated to prospective students and families. Students that are meant to be here will figure that out through our unique tours.
What are your best time management tips? Be organized and prioritize.
If you were stranded on an Aquaglide in Frenchman’s Creek with anyone who would it be and why? Channing Tatum. I would never get sick of looking at him.
What is your favorite place on campus? A hammock on South Beach. 

Some girls have all the fun; Devon Elizabeth Williams happens to be one of them. A carb loving, liberal hailing from Lakeville, Massachusetts, Devon is a senior at Eckerd College in Saint Petersburg, Florida pursuing a  major in Political Science with a double minor in Journalism and International Relations. After spending January 2011 in an intensive Winter Term program at the United Nations in New York, Devon realized that taking over the world will be more difficult than anticipated, but nothing that a vivacious red head in stilettos can’t handle. In her free time Devon is a bartending beauty queen who has a soft spot for blueberry pie, Broadway and the scheming antics of Blair Waldorf. When she’s not paddle boarding at the waterfront or laying out on Eckerd’s private South Beach you can find Devon singing in the alto section of the concert choir. At the end of the day Devon is thankful for Newport, RI, her family, Sadie the black lab, Paul Mitchell, her girlfriends, Cheetah, and rhinestones.