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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Year: Sophomore                 
Born:  Hackensack, New Jersey
Major: Chemistry
Relationship Status: Single

Interests & Activities: Swimming, fencing, music, fishing, soccer, ping-pong, rollerblading and knee boarding.

Three words to describe yourself: Social, athletic and funny.

Role Model: My grandfather.

Favorite Quote: “Hey you guys!”-The Gooneys

Fun Fact: Owns a lime green loofah.

Career Goals: To attend medical school and hopefully become a cardiologist.

Favorite Quality in a girl: Intelligence.

Least Favorite Quality in a Girl: Being extremely dependent-stage 5 clinger.

A Lilly loving, pearl wearing, history buff from Long Island, NY, Elizabeth Tomaselli is a Political Science and Journalism major minoring in Marine Science and Italian at Eckerd College. When she's not teaching aerobics and pilates or editing the school newspaper, you can find her hosting Gossip Girl premiere parties or tanning on the dock with her Beta girls. She is a self-professed pink lover with a striking ability to predict storylines in movies and TV shows. Aside from her adoration for Blair Waldorf and Jackie O, Liz enjoys playing tennis, dancing, and participating in family croquet tournaments at the little yellow house on Luther Place. Sometimes called the energizer bunny, she can function on little sleep, however, often requires coffee and Light & Fit yogurt to stay productive. With a big smile and curly brown hair, this senior plans to take over the world, one expensive shoe at a time.