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Fashionista: Erin Stringer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.
Year: Senior
Hometown: Portland, OR
Relationship Status: Single
Major: International Relations and Global Affairs
Describe your personal style?
Little bit retro, little bit punk, lot a bit feminine. 
Fashion Pet Peeve?
Fivefingers shoes. Just go barefoot. 
Favorite store?
Online – Ruelala. Onsite – Nordstrom or Pacsun. 
Favorite outfit?
Skater skirt, flirty top, and statement shoes. Anyone can pull it off and it makes anyone’s legs look a few inches longer. 
Must have accessory?
Black Brooks Brothers glasses. (I’m blind as a bat.)
Favorite Perfume?
Chloe Rose. 
Boots or sandals?
Both. However, the boots must be combat and the sandals must be Birks. (I am from the NW) 
What is your favorite item in your closet?
My black ankle boots.
What is favorite date night outfit?
LBD (Little Black Dress). I have 4.