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End of the year packing tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Overwhelmed with the semester ending, or realizing just how much stuff you have in your room.  Well, don’t stress out about it, if you need some help or advice then just continue on reading.


Before you start packing up for moving out for the summer just sit down take a deep breath and bust out a pen and a piece of paper.  Start by making a list and categorizing your things:

·         Things that need to go home

o   Clothes, electronics,

·          Things you need for next year

o   Any school work or notes

§  If you are a marine science major I would strongly recommend that you keep all of your notes

o   Bedding

o   Mini fridge and/or Microwave

o   Printer

·          Things you don’t need (recycle, donate, or throw out)

o   Old clothes

o   Papers you don’t need

o   School supplies you don’t need


After you’ve made your list you can begin packing.  If you don’t already have boxes there are a couple of different options to choose from.  There are the cardboard boxes that are relatively cheap that you can use (which also requires packing tape) or you can use Tupperware totes, yes the totes are more expensive, however the plastic is very durable and can last for multiple years.  I personally have the totes and they have lasted me three years, and they have these handles on the side that makes it easy to carry. 


Hopefully packing up your room won’t be too stressful for you this year.  If you come to a problem just stop and take a breath.  Happy packing and good luck on your finals!