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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

With the holidays coming up, I think all of us are checking our wallets and looking for gifts for everyone that won’t cost a fortune. Here are some DIY gift ideas (inspired by Pinterest) that won’t break the bank. 

1)   “Home is where the heart is”: For your best friend that goes to school out of state

To make this super simple gift cut out your home state on glitter paper, place a heart on your hometown (approximately!), and glue to colored card stock or a painted canvas. This would even look great mounted in a shadow box.


2) “Warm and cozy”: For your friend who is always cold

This is a great DIY gift that I have made many times over the last few years; I’m pretty sure most of my friends are expecting scarves again this year. (Oops) To make this simple scarf, simply cut some fleece thee feet long (approximately a yard) by nine inches wide; these measurements are approximations and can be adjusted depending on the desired length and width. After you have a scarf of the desired dimensions, about every 3/4ths of an inch make a cut approximately three inches deep on the short (nine inch wide) end of the scarf.


3)”The Chocolate Express”: For your friend with a sweet tooth

Instead of just handing your friends candy, give them Santa’s sleigh made out of candy! This gift is the perfect accessory to an amazing gingerbread house or can be eaten on the spot. Glue your friend’s favorite candies on top of candy canes and tie it up with a cute little ribbon.


4) “Cheers”: For the wine lover in your life

These classy wine glasses are super easy to make and can be used for any occasion. This version uses Sharpies, which are so much easier to deal with than paint and there are so many different colors and types of Sharpies. Make sure to wash your glass well, then copy a design or draw freehand on the glass with any color you’d like. The great thing is if you mess up, you can immediately use some rubbing alcohol to remove your mistake. If you’re using glass you can set the Sharpie design in the oven at 200 degrees for approximately one hour.