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Deck the Dress for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Here’s a little outfit for a holiday party. This vintage inspired red dress pairs well with the red “Santa Fedora” from Target (only $5). The black heels go well with just about any outfit. A white sweater keeps away the possible chill and helps tie the outfit together, it can also be replaced with a coat or jacket if it’s chiller than Florida weather.You can also swap out the red for green or gold or even blue for Hanukkah. Happy Holidays!


Some girls have all the fun; Devon Elizabeth Williams happens to be one of them. A carb loving, liberal hailing from Lakeville, Massachusetts, Devon is a senior at Eckerd College in Saint Petersburg, Florida pursuing a  major in Political Science with a double minor in Journalism and International Relations. After spending January 2011 in an intensive Winter Term program at the United Nations in New York, Devon realized that taking over the world will be more difficult than anticipated, but nothing that a vivacious red head in stilettos can’t handle. In her free time Devon is a bartending beauty queen who has a soft spot for blueberry pie, Broadway and the scheming antics of Blair Waldorf. When she’s not paddle boarding at the waterfront or laying out on Eckerd’s private South Beach you can find Devon singing in the alto section of the concert choir. At the end of the day Devon is thankful for Newport, RI, her family, Sadie the black lab, Paul Mitchell, her girlfriends, Cheetah, and rhinestones.