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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.


Tyler Rainford – Campus Cutie

Year: 1st

Subject: History

Status: Single

Personality: The good kind of weird.

Where do you frequent on nights out?

Apart from Klute? Somewhere in the vicinity of Urban Oven and of course first in line for Q-Jump entry into Loveshack Wednesdays.

Token cringey chat-up line?

I trekked up a mountain: My chat-up climb.

Most embarrassing moment?

I bought a coffee from Costa and as I was leaving I tripped on the way out and fell. My coffee went everywhere and people just stopped and stared for about 2 minutes, trying to suppress their laughs. None of them offered to help. Heartless souls.

What do you think of Durham Girls?

Locals: TBH I haven’t had much interaction, although you can smell them a mile off, and I’m not talking about personal odours, but their perfume is pungent. Plus I’m not really sure how I feel about the fact, when I see them, they are barely wearing any clothes. Durham is cold. Cover up ladies!

Students: Compared to what I’m used to in the West Country, they have plenty to brag about! Without trying to sound too cringe, they have class, intelligence and a fun side. The perfect mixture!

If you could choose to be anyone, fiction or non-fiction, who would it be and why?

King Thranduil from the Hobbit. He has so much sass and amazingly sexy eyebrows. All the girls would be falling at my feet.

Perfect Durham Date?

Can’t really say Nando’s can I? I ‘Tyler’ my date to the girl but normally a nice meal at Fat Buddha or a coffee at Flat White followed by a trip to the theatre, something romantic like that. Maybe a bar afterwards if I’m feeling cheeky, all on me of course.

What are your opinions on the French?

Lovely, when they speak English.

What does a girl have to do to impress you?

Don’t be afraid to make the first move, be yourself and never shy away from being a bit weird. The best people are! I like someone with character, who doesn’t just follow the crowd.

Worst Pull.

A girl in shack once decided to lick my whole face. Took washing machine to the next level.

It’s the Zombie Apocalypse, you only have time to grab one thing from your house before it’s invaded. What do you choose?

My hair wax, still gotta look good. Kicking zombie ass in style. Although I am off to Nepal this summer and will be shaving my head for charity, so if it happens after that, then probably toilet roll. Never know when it will come in handy.

Hey! I am a second year student at Durham University studying Sociology and Anthropology. I love writing and spending time with people and so cannot wait to start a HerCampus Chapter at Durham.