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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.


Have you always been interested in fashion?

I have always had a real appreciation for how people wear their clothes in interesting, different and beautiful ways – I’d say I’m interested in the aesthetics of how people present themselves, rather in fashion trends per se. I never buy fashion magazines and couldn’t tell you what is officially ‘in’ right now!

Has anyone inspired you in your fashion sense?

I think Janelle Monae always looks incredible – smart, slick, and I love black! I also admire the eccentricity of Helena Bonham Carter; she’s much more chaotic and the polar opposite to Monae, but I think you can pick and choose your inspirations from across the board.

As summer’s coming up, if you had a favourite summer outfit what would it be?

Dungarees! Baggy, relaxed ones. With trainers or sandals.

Do you have any summer style hints/tips?

Wear whatever you like, if it’s unusual then you’re giving everyone else something interesting to look at! Let’s not all emerge like clones from Topshop for the whole summer.

Where is your favourite place to shop?

I think we should always be aware of the ethics of where we are shopping – some high street stores sell clothes I love, but by shopping there we are essentially buying into the exploitation of other people. For that reason I’d say good second-hand clothes stores (‘vintage’ has kind of lost its meaning!) are my favourite places to go. ‘Space’ retro shop in Harrogate has delivered some gems every time I’ve gone there, and they have amazing old designer pieces.

What is your favourite piece of clothing that you own?

I picked up a second hand Laura Ashley long, woollen coat for about £20. It completely wraps you up, cinches in nicely at the waist and immediately makes you look presentable and smart even if the rest of you is a total mess! I’ve definitely got my moneys’ worth.

Hey! I am a second year student at Durham University studying Sociology and Anthropology. I love writing and spending time with people and so cannot wait to start a HerCampus Chapter at Durham.