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Pop Up Macaw and Her Campus Durham Collaborate!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.


This week we held our termly event and what a pleasure it was to collaborate with entrepreneur Ali Gillum.

In light of International Women’s Day last Friday, it seems very appropriate to celebrate her entrepreneurial spirit and success.

The website is incredibly professional and the hand-made laptop, iPad and phone cases are very tempting.

The event was at Ebony; a chic champagne bar in the centre of Durham. Everybody enjoyed delicious cocktails whilst we explained a little more about Her Campus and Ali got to speak about her brand.

Ali started the company because she couldn’t find a case that she liked and it has continued to grow ever since and have recently launched a male line. They now employ sewers to help with the case creations.

The company also partners with Magic Carpet Exeter, who receive 10% of the profits. Additional to this, The Macaw Foundation was founded which runs arts and crafts workshops for local young people in Exeter. Truly commendable!

Overall, the night was a success. Her Campus was very proud to collaborate with Macaw Designs and we hope to continue to keep in contact.

Hey! I am a second year student at Durham University studying Sociology and Anthropology. I love writing and spending time with people and so cannot wait to start a HerCampus Chapter at Durham.