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How to be Stylish on a Student Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.

Being a university student is always hard. There’s the pressure of living away from home, flying solo as it were, of making new friends, and if you’re unfortunate enough to be a second or third year, keeping house with seven other lazy housemates. And on top of that, you still want to look good. But being stylish doesn’t have to break the bank or eat into that student loan. Here are my top tips for having your new heels and keeping it too.

Shop second hand

This is crucial for students especially in Durham, where big-brand choice is limited and often expensive. Step beyond Topshop however, and you will find a secret treasure-trove down North Road. From Salvation Army to St. Cuthbert’s Hospice, dig deep through the musty sweaters and you may just find that perfect little formal dress, and with a vintage twist to boot. Usually for less than six pounds!

Flash that campus card

Student discounts are rife throughout the country, and waving around your campus card has less setbacks than waving around your credit card. Not only do places like Topshop do permanent student discounts, so do many restaurants and bars. So you can not only shop for cheaper, but eat too.

Look online

Online, there are no limits. There’s the archduke of all online stores, Asos, which offers you free next-day delivery for a year if you buy their premier (trust me, it’s a worthy purchase) and offer a very affordable range of prices. Online you can also look out for sales from any of your favorite brands, from H&M to UrbanOutfitters if you’re festival-chic wannabe…

Beg from your housemates

Sick of always wearing that same red top to Klute, Wiff Waff and Loveshack? Offer to take up their kitchen duties for a week in exchange for a peruse through their wardrobes. Or just offer the same service in return.

Find your style and stick to it

Are you boho-chic or pretty in pink? Limiting your choice of clothes will help you spend less on unnecessary bits and bobs so you can save up for that signature denim jacket or floral skirt. For extra savviness, make sure your signature item is versatile. A leather jacket for example, will go just as well with an elegant gown as it will a pair of jeans and converse.