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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.

Name: Harry Eastgate

College: Grey

Year: Second

Studying: Archaeology and Anthropology

Describe your perfect Durham night out.

A bottle of Buckfast with friends before heading to the Dun Cow on a Wednesday night to have a few Castle Edens with more Hockey friends. I play hockey, by the way, and it’s kind of a big deal. After the Dun Cow swing past Boathouse to complete the night charging around Loveshack.

Best chat up line?

Apparently there’s a pants party where you can be in your pants and it’s kind of a party and your invited, so long as you fill in the required paperwork and are accompanied by a consenting adult. (It’s catchy, don’t you think?)

Most embarrassing moment?

Well, after a lovely Wednesday evening (as I outlined earlier), I found myself on all fours, COMPLETELY naked chunning out my bedroom window. With all my housemates simply standing and watching. Followed in close second by this one time… wait for it… I was on my way to Jimmies and my friend pointed out that my hair was a bit out of place and not perfect as normal – and, would you believe it, he was right. Wow I’m blushing just thinking about it, but I swiftly resolved the issue.

What does a girl have to do to impress you?

Be stranger than me. Harder than you’d think. But boring is, well, boring.

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Buckfast and David Attenborough (He’s pretty old, right?)

If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?

A shark (lol). But no, I think a meerkat would suit me.

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

I always succeed.

Any last comments for all the Durham girlies out there?

This interview doesn’t actually reflect anything about my personality – I act up to mask my deep insecurities. My mommy says I’m nice person.

A History student with dreams of embarking on a career in fashion journalism upon graduating. I’m unashamedly a girlie girl so it should come as no surprise that my interests include shopping, ballet, baking and online scrapbooking (aka. Tumblr blogging). When not (attempting to be) a historian you can usually find me writing articles for Her Campus, Durham Palatinate Fashion, the Durham Globalist and my very own blog, ‘A Delightful Something'.
Hey! I am a second year student at Durham University studying Sociology and Anthropology. I love writing and spending time with people and so cannot wait to start a HerCampus Chapter at Durham.