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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.




Anthropology (2nd year)

Henley-on-Thames, England


Q. So, you are captain of the women’s rugby 2nds team, do you think its fair to say the stereotype of women’s rugby is true or a load of codswallop?

A. I would love to say that the stereotypes are total bull shit, but a lot of the people who play women’s rugby do fit the bill! But all types of sports come with specific connotations. Inevitably rugby is always going to be seen as a physical, masculine and aggressive sport, so when girls play they’re ALWAYS categorized as butch, aggressive and gay. But nobody should be given shit about the sport that they play, and to be honest most of the girls on my second team are probably more feminine than the cheerleading squad!

 Q. How would you like to get more girls playing? …

A. Because it has such masculine associations, it’s always going to be necessary to challenge those stereotypes, (I know it sounds horrific but) you’ve got to try and advertise it with our most feminine girls.

Q.Your one piece of pre-match advice [against a team of big beefy girls]?

A. The bigger they are, the harder they fall! (And anyway tacking beefy/fat girls is surprisingly comfortable it’s the bony ones you what to watch out for)…if all else fails we can always nominate one of our players to strip off in an attempt to distract the ‘stereotypical lesbians’ on the other team

Q. What is your favourite thing about durham university/living in the north?

A. The total acceptance of constant fancy dress, unless you’re doing a walk shame, nobody bats an eyelid.

Q.What was the best thing about 2013 and how will you make 2014 a good year?

A.I know it sounds really cliché but the best thing about 3013 was probably joining DUWRFC last term.  2013 was a difficult year for me, I struggled with work, I found it hard to fit in, I gave up sport entirely and I seriously toyed with the idea of leaving university. But joining a DU sport gave me a real outlet for all my stress, getting back into exercise was incredible, and I’ve met some amazing people. 2014 is going to be an incredible year, I’m 21, the world is my oyster and I’ll keep my chin up no matter what.

Q. Who would you most like to be stuck in a locker room with out of the england rugby team? (mens or womens)

A. although it pains me to admit it, I don’t actually watch rugby all that often, and I don’t think I could name you more than 3 players on the England men’s team let alone the women’s, so I think I’ll just have to go back a few years and go for the good old classic…Johnny Wilkinson.

Q. BEST & WORST PICK UP LINE [preferably that you have used or been used on you by boys or girls]

A. …. Not so much a pick up line I’ve used, more a bizarrely successful blunder…. A couple of years ago I was playing pool with a guy I met in France and was trying to be incredibly seductive while walking round the pool table. As I walked round the opposite side to him ready to take my shot (while keeping eye contact with him) I stepped onto a spilt drink, slipped, and absolutely stacked it, literally head over heels, pool cue in the air, flat on my back totally disappearing behind the pool table…. But it turned out to be quite a successful blunder as he helped me up and continued to buy me drinks for the rest of the night!

Q. If a genie granted you 1 wishes what would they be [and why]?

A. Hmmmm I would love to have the ability to speak any language in the world on demand, which would be pretty cool. Although right now my wish might be to be able to actually down a pint in less than a minute! (I’m Definitely letting the side down atm)

Clare is a 2nd Year at St. Chad's College, Durham University, reading Theology. Home is split between a pad in London and house in Somerset where she went to school. She is actively involved in College sport especially rugby and rowing, and is on the Exec of the DUWIB (Durham University Women in Business) Society to promote women going into internships, grad schemes and finding paths into business for life after Uni. She is keen on marketing and business development and hopefully starting her own company in the years to come. She loves to travel and is lucky to have the opportunity to go across the world in her work with her family business. Favourites are drinks with the girls, running (Paris Marathon in April 2014), time with the family, weekends in London and dog walks in the country, and of course bar crawls in fancy dress around Durham.
Hey! I am a second year student at Durham University studying Sociology and Anthropology. I love writing and spending time with people and so cannot wait to start a HerCampus Chapter at Durham.