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Durham Busker Chloe Lawton

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.

I’m sure you’re all familiar with Chloe Lawton. Although you perhaps don’t know her by name, you certainly know her by voice as she can often be heard busking in Durham town centre. We thought it was about time that we got to know Chloe, after all, her voice is one that makes us feel a little bit warmer on those cold Durham days, a bit chirpier around the dreaded summative deadlines and all in all, helps make Durham a nice place to live. In our opinion, she’s got the voice and the X Factor, making her this week’s Her Campus Celebrity.

Hi Chloe, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m 18, half Brazilian, born in London, but spent most of my childhood in County Durham. Last year I completed a 2-year music course at New College Durham, which taught me a lot of what I know now; I feel I can now almost call myself a musician.

Do you hope to continue your music in the future/ how do you plan on taking your music further?

Yes! Without a doubt I plan to take my music further, hopefully as far as possible. I plan to do everything in my power to ensure I have a successful career and become an established artist in the music industry. With a bit of funding I plan to set up a Business as a self-employed artist gigging both locally and across the country. Who knows, maybe even around the world one day! After I’ve seen a bit of the world and what not I’d like to teach music.

Who is your biggest musical inspiration?

I suppose I’m supposed to be able to answer this question with ease, but honestly, I genuinely don’t know! I’d say that almost every artist or band I’ve listened to has inspired me in some way. But, where the musical influences my music and me as an artist are concerned, a lot of people that have heard my music say I have a similar sound to that of Amy Winehouse, Kosheen, and once someone told me I sang like Janice Joplin – that was a compliment and a half! So is the fact that a lot of people think I sound like Amy Winehouse, I’ve always loved her and her music.

Favourite song of all time?

I don’t have a favourite song of all time, there are a pool of about 20 songs that I couldn’t live without though. There are also a lot of songs I forget exist until I hear them on the radio or something and fall in love with them again.

Favourite album of all time?

Again, I couldn’t possibly say! Although recently I’ve been absolutely loving Hoziers album! Sheer brilliance!

Do you do any gigs?

I used to be in a covers band and we would gig quite regularly around pubs and clubs in the North East. However we went our separate ways and I’ve been working alone ever since and find busking has been quite rewarding. At the moment I’ve been struggling with finding gigs and I am also in need of some equipment. But I am on the look out for gigs now; the odd one comes up and I am always up for it!

What’s the best thing about busking?

Everything! I get to meet lots of new and interesting people, it helps me gain confidence as well as gig opportunities and of course the pennies that come with it, they pay some of my living costs but that’s just a bonus. I suppose the best thing about busking is being able to do what I love and have people listen.

Have you ever been given something strange for your busking instead of money?

I’ve got a couple friends who also busk that have been given some weird stuff but I think to narrow down the random objects I’ve received whilst busking to just a few they’d probably be a doughnut from Krispy Kreme, a can of beer, incense sticks and midget gems.

If you could meet any singer/band who would it be?

Wow that’s another hard one. Maybe Beyoncé; her talent never fails to amaze me, I think I would be truly star struck if I were to meet that woman!

Do you write your own songs?

Yes of course, it’s the only way I can really express myself, although I do seem to have come to a halt in my songwriting. I haven’t written many songs either and a lot of them are unfinished, but I am still learning to completely open up in my music and have confidence in what I do.

Have you ever thought about entering The Voice/ The X Factor?

Yes. I’ve auditioned for The Voice twice, the second time I was scouted and then dropped two stages before the blind auditions. The same thing happened with X Factor when I went for that, except we were almost there! I went as a duo, with a friend.

What instruments do you play?

I play guitar, but not as well as I’d like to. I’ve been playing guitar for almost 2 years now. I also play a little bit of piano but haven’t played in a long time so I don’t know how well that would go down now if I were to try.

And last but not least, if you released an album, what would you call it? And what would be on the album cover?

Arguably the hardest question of the lot. I haven’t thought about that at all, so I’m not sure. I’d probably call it something along the lines of ‘Survival’ and I guess the album cover would have some sort of picture of my guitar and me. I’m sure if I were in the process of making an album and you asked me that question, I’d probably have completely different answers! 

Second Year English Literature student at Durham University