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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Durham chapter.


NAME: Alasdair Donald

AGE: 20

Relationship status: single [and ready to mingle obvs… my thoughts added in here]

College: 2nd year at St Chad’s

Studying: PPE

Home City: Oxford (wishes it was Scotland – everybody does…)

Life Motto: Dirty hands make your nose itch. 


Who would you be if you were a superhero?

Probably Batman, as a result of a wardrobe mishap a while ago (it turns out it wasn’t a fancy dress party). Plus, my room is a bit of a cave at the moment anyway.

Which cartoon character is the most sexy and why?

Princess Jasmine always seemed to have an attractive air of unattainability. If only I had a genie.

So you live with three of your favourite girl friends, what is your best advice for any boys living in a house of girls?

Play them off against each other; a divided house is a happy house. Also, give the impression of being tidy so that you cannot be blamed for any mess (I’m such a rascal).

Is it true that you have a crush on Andy Murray and secretly wish you had a Scottish accent so people wouldn’t think you’re a snobby Southerner?

I think I can detect some passive aggression in this question… But no, I don’t have a crush on Andy Murray. I also do not wish that I had a Scottish accent, I feel perfectly comfortable with myself thanks, Clare. As the Backstreet Boys sang, “Am I original? Yeah. Am I the only one? Yeah.” I feel like they understand me.

How do you feel as Campus Cutie?

Obviously I feel very honoured, but considering that I live with one of the journalists I cannot help but feel that I was chosen out of ease and proximity.

Will you be coming to our event next week on 4th March at Ebony’s for cocktails in the evening?

It depends how well received this interview is.

Come to the event next Tuesday 4th @ 8pm to meet Ali in person and find out about his rapscallion ways…

Clare is a 2nd Year at St. Chad's College, Durham University, reading Theology. Home is split between a pad in London and house in Somerset where she went to school. She is actively involved in College sport especially rugby and rowing, and is on the Exec of the DUWIB (Durham University Women in Business) Society to promote women going into internships, grad schemes and finding paths into business for life after Uni. She is keen on marketing and business development and hopefully starting her own company in the years to come. She loves to travel and is lucky to have the opportunity to go across the world in her work with her family business. Favourites are drinks with the girls, running (Paris Marathon in April 2014), time with the family, weekends in London and dog walks in the country, and of course bar crawls in fancy dress around Durham.
Hey! I am a second year student at Durham University studying Sociology and Anthropology. I love writing and spending time with people and so cannot wait to start a HerCampus Chapter at Durham.