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Treat Yourself Today

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

After a rough few weeks, it’s time to congratulate yourselves: midterms are finally over! But this being Duke, you don’t get much of a break: there’re still homework, papers and presentations – not to mention extracurricular activities. No matter how busy you are, it’s important to take some time out of your crazy schedule and do something you enjoy. Whether you aced all your exams or your grades had you seriously considering dropping off the pre-med track (don’t worry, it happens to every freshman), it took a lot of time and effort to get there, so reward yourself for all your hard work! Put away your work for a day, or even just a night, and treat yourself with one of the suggestions below, or anything else that will make you happy!

1. Get Off Campus

Sometimes the best way to relax is to step back from whatever is stressing you out. Grab some friends and go out to dinner – there are plenty of great restaurants within walking distance from campus. Brightleaf Square has lots of delicious options and is only about a ten-minute walk from East. If you have a car or are willing to take a cab, look for a cool concert nearby or head up to Southgate to catch a movie or indulge in a little retail therapy!

2. Online Shopping

Speaking of retail therapy, treat yourself to some cute new clothes without even leaving your room! Don’t go crazy and max out your credit card, but I think we all deserve a couple of new outfits. Stores like Tobi, H&M and Brandy Melville offer more affordable yet fashionable clothes. Plus, check to see if the website offers any special discounts when you sign up for an account – lots of stores will give you a gift certificate or free shipping on your first order!

3. Watch a Funny Movie or TV show

I am a firm believer of the old saying that laughter is the best medicine. Find a good comedy on Netflix or catch up on the latest episode of New Girl. Plus, if you want a good laugh and some “treat-yourself” inspiration all in one, look up “Parks and Rec treat yo self” on YouTube. You’ll be laughing away your worries in no time!

4. Grab some Junk Food

If you’re feeling ambitious, pick up some ingredients from the campus store and bake some yummy treats in your apartment or your dorm’s kitchen. If you’re a little too lazy for that (no shame), go for some bin candy from McClendon, a milkshake from the Loop, or a big cup of Red Mango (with extra toppings, of course).

5. Go Out

To quote Fergie and the profile picture caption of choice for girls everywhere, “A little party never killed nobody.” If you’re the kind of person whose favorite way of unwinding is dancing in the Shooters bar, then go for it! Now that exams are over, you shouldn’t feel guilty for going out on a weekday even if you do have an early class the next day. Sometimes you just need to let loose and dance your stress away!

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