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Post Spring Break Syndrome

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Spring Break is officially over and the end of school is in sight…well, sort of. With just five weeks to go and the weather finally starting to warm up, it’s easy to slip off into summer mode.  It’s just as easy to slip into super stress mode, as you realize that you have just five weeks to bring up your grades, study for finals, apply for internships, figure out next year, and do just about everything in between. Here are some tips to get you through the next five weeks, and find that balance between summer mode and stress mode.

1) Make a schedule to set minor goals

I always claimed that I “work better under pressure,” and maybe that’s true, but with finals all in the same week or assignments due at the same time, that isn’t going to work quite as well as I might expect. I think the “Stickies” app on my laptop has been my biggest lifesaver this semester. Set up what you have to do for each day and delete them as you go. Not only does it help you organize your time, it also gives you a major feeling of accomplishment as you cross one thing off the list.

2) Set even more minor goals

I read an article that suggested putting gummy bears at the end of each paragraph. After finishing the paragraph, you can eat the gummy bear. Set little goals like this to keep studying fun and to keep yourself motivated.

3) Download the Self Control app

Another app that has been crucial in crunch time, Self Control will block certain sites for a given amount of time so you can study without the temptation, and ability, to go on all of your best distraction websites like Facebook and Buzzfeed.

4) Set aside some “you time”

This might seem to contract the whole idea of the Self Control app, but seriously, even though it may seem like you need to use every minute to study, you need some personal time or the studying will get you nowhere. Set some time aside as a break to watch your favorite show or read some Her Campus articles. You can also set aside some “you time” as a reward after you finish an assignment.

5) Go outside

Let yourself enjoy the spring. Just being in the warm weather can make you feel better. In fact, sunlight has actually been proven to improve your mood, so do yourself a favor and try to bring some of your work outside. If you can’t do that, walk to a class instead of taking the bus, or just take a break to sit outside for a few minutes in between classes.

6) Switch up your study spots

Finding the right study spot can make all the difference. And even after you’ve found it, switch it up once in a while. This is supposed to help you retain information better and will keep you from going crazy sitting in the same place for too long!

7) Sleep

For real. It may seem like all-nighters every night are the answer to cramming all the information in, but it will be impossible to take a test when you’re falling asleep. You won’t remember nearly as much, or do as well on minimal sleep.

8) Go to office hours

Not only do teachers love to see that you are trying and that you care, they really help! Office hours can help with those problems you just can’t figure out, get you started on studying, or even help you focus your studies on particular topics.

9) Teach a study partner

Perkins has tons of study rooms and white boards—take advantage of them. Use a study room with other people in your class and teach them (or yourself) whatever you are learning. This ensures you understand it fully and can break it down thoroughly enough. Trying to teach someone else what you’re learning helps cement the information in your own head. It can also be a fun alternative to reading, highlighting, and going through flashcards.

10) Realize how close you are to summer

Once you push through five weeks of hard work, you enter into the best time of the year – summertime. Don’t let yourself get too bogged down by work, but also don’t completely give up on it! We’re almost there!

Duke 2015 - Central Jersey - Economics (Finance Concentration) & English double major