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Midterms: In Terms of your Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

As midterms are here, and you’re finding it difficult to manage your life (between all the studying you have to get done, the extra classes you’re taking, the organizations you’re involved in, your social life, and heavens, your sleep), it is understandable if you just really cannot give about your physical appearance right now. No one blames you – everyone loves spending time in their comfiest sweatpants, with their hair up in a bun, their contacts out and their glasses on, and with a cup of coffee when preparing for their midterm exams.

However, even though you might choose to ditch make up altogether, don’t forget about your skincare products. In fact, the lack of sleep and the stress will make your skin dry and break out if you don’t nourish it properly. I don’t care if you’re running late to class or are just too lazy to get up from where you’re studying, slapping on some moisturizer takes a total of about six seconds, so you should have no excuses.

And because you probably only have patience for just that much (which is fine in such dark times in the semester), below are the two products (only two!) I would highly recommend for you to swear by, even when it feels like you don’t have the time or just cannot be bothered. Luckily for you, these products are quick and easy to use, and will keep you protected against anything that can damage your youthful skin. Soak up the nutrients, nourish your beauty, ladies, and good luck on those exams!

1. Moisturizer with SPFThe SPF part is crucial. In fact, never again should you buy a moisturizer that does not protect your skin against UV rays. It doesn’t matter if it’s raining outside and you’re spending your whole day in bed, you must wear face cream with SPF. By protecting your face from UV rays, you’re decreasing your chance of not only getting skin cancer, but aging around the face too soon. And you might think – I’m too young to worry about aging – wrong. Your skin will thank you later. And you can thank me later, too. (6 seconds of your time. Recommended product: Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer SPF 30)

2. Cleanser – If you’re too lazy and don’t want to go to the bathroom and cleanse your face with actual foaming cleansers, then this baby is what you need: Bioderma Sensibio H2O. This products cleanses, purifies, removes make up, and nourishes your skin all in one. Please don’t be mean to your face and sleep with your makeup on! All you do with Bioderma is dab it on a cotton pad and wipe your face. Repeat until your face is clean. You don’t have to rinse, but do dry your face on a dry, cotton towel. Voilà, you’re ready to go. (Ten seconds of your time. Also see Bioderma Crealine H2O)

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From Almaty, Kazakhstan. Duke University student.