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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

14 weeks. 14 weeks of stuffing my mouth with scrumpscious noodles, of speaking Chinese, of exploring a new world that even Aladdin would be at a loss of words for. And now, I’m going home. I can’t believe I’m actually going home! The time went by faster than the cars zooming by me through a red light on the street. Two weeks ago I was counting down the days we had left here, but now after thinking about it, I’m feeling genuinely sad. I’m going to miss my friends so much!

In my previous blog, I wrote about what I will miss most about China (please go read it!), such as the incredibly flavorful food, the low prices, my wonderful friends, and my Duke program group dynamic. Even though these aspects make me want to stay just a little bit longer, the good ole USA is calling me to come home. After living here, I’ve realized how much I cherish America. I can’t wait to go to a bathroom and not have to squat on the ground. I can’t wait to be able to drive in a car! I can’t wait to walk on a cross walk, and not have to worry about a moped or bicycle coming at me out of nowhere. I can’t wait to have super fast Wifi internet, and not have to rely on the Duke VPN to get on Facebook. It’s going to be strange walking on a street without bumping into people, and not seeing a sea of black hair all around me. Oh my goodness! I’m going to see white people! And black people! And Hispanic people! And more! I can go see a movie in English without strange totally inaccurate subtitles (though oftentimes those were more amusing…). I simply cannot wait to walk into a grocery store and buy Cheetos and candy, eat a Subway sandwich, or get Froyo.
And don’t let me get started on the Four F’s. Florida. Family. Friends. Food. I’m SO excited about returning to Florida. I can’t wait for the beautiful orange and red sunsets. I can’t wait to drive around with my windows down. I have to hit my favorite spots – Barnes and Noble (okay I’m not a nerd, I just enjoy bookstores and cafés), Panera Bread, all of my friends’ houses, Millenia Mall, Menchies (frozen yogurt!) and of course Disney. Luckily I’ll be working a few shifts at Epcot during the break. I have to get my dose of fantasy every time I go home. Christmas time is the best time to work too – the kids are all so cute and giddy!
It’s going to be a bit bizarre, though. We recently moved from Orlando to Tampa, so I will be returning to a new house for Christmas. I love the old house, so I’m grateful we kept it empty for a few months before renting it out. My dad’s brother and his whole family are visiting for Christmas and are staying at the Orlando house! I’m so excited! Family. I miss my mom and dad so dearly. That’s going to be a wonderful reunion. I’m most looking forward to speaking with my mom in Chinese. I’ve been doing so a bit over Skype while I’m here, but I finally get to show off my skills (sort of) to the one person I’ve been waiting to speaking Chinese with. I hope I don’t embarrass myself like I did in front of those 2nd graders…
Friends. It’s going to be SO fantastic running into my friends everywhere at Duke. Duke! God how I’ve missed Duke. This may come as a weird shock, but I really miss the Duke library. They don’t really have a library here, which is why we work in cafés. I love those big blue comfy chairs in the Carpenter Reading room. That’s my space man. Judge me all you want, but I love it. I can’t wait to do so many things back on campus: eat at the Refectory, swim laps, lay in the Duke gardens, order Sushi Love, go to cardio dance, rejoin my beautiful and crazy friends at CRR and DUU, eat a Loop burger, go to Jazz at the Mary Lou, have brunch at the Nasher, GO TO A BASKETBALL GAME, see a ton of amazing shows aka DefMo, Hoof ‘n Horn, Pitchforks, DUI, etc. (so sad I missed Awaaz), and thankfully, so very thankfully, move in to my new dorm in K4. Just thinking about all the stuff I plan on doing when I get back is putting a smile on my face. Seriously my friends do everything you can do while at home, and especially while at Duke. Don’t take any of it for granted. I am absolutely terrified at the fact that it will be my second semester junior year when I return. I don’t want it to end! Please do everything (including studying abroad).
I’m going to miss this place a lot, but I’m looking forward to going home. It’s been a BLAST writing about all of my adventures, discoveries, and rewarding experiences here. I’m so glad I got to share a little piece of China with all of you. Thank you HerCampus for giving me the opportunity to do so! I hope it’s been a pleasant and interesting read, and…
That’s all for now,
Your Blue Devil Friend,


Sabrina is a Junior at Duke University, and is double majoring in English and Public Policy. A born and bred South African, Sabrina has traveled to the USA to pursue her higher education. As well as being a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, Sabrina is also Assistant Vice President for Recruitment for the Panhellenic Association at Duke. Sabrina has written for Duke's daily newspaper, The Chronicle and Duke's fashion magazine, FORM. After graduating, she hopes to attend law school preferably in her favourite city, New York. In her spare time, Sabrina vegges out to various fashion blogs, mindless TV (Pretty Little Liars anyone?) and online shopping (which borders on an addiction). If you manage to catch her in an energetic mood, she's probably on her way to cardiodance (or to the nearest mall).