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iPhone Apps You Can’t Live Without

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

I just got an iPhone, and now that I’ve joined the cult, I don’t know how I survived without this tiny piece of machinery. Not only does it hold all of my messages, my calendar, and music, but it also provides me with so much entertainment! Here are my top ten favorite iPhone apps of all time… now that I have them, I could never go without them!
1. 8Tracks

8Tracks is my favorite website for playlists that I can study, work out, and party to. Now that they provide an app for iPhones, I can listen on the go!

2. Words With Friends

It’s the most addicting, intelligent game I’ve ever heard of! When I’m bored, instead of sitting and doing mindless reading or watching television, I force my brain to work by playing this online version of Scrabble. You can compete with friends who have iPhones and friends who don’t—how much better could it get?!

3. People News

I don’t know about you, but keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip is one of my guilty pleasures in life. People News keeps me updated on the latest happenings, regardless of where I am or what I’m up to.

4. Blackboard

Since we go to Duke, there’s a little bit of a nerd inside all of us. I like to keep Blackboard handy just in case I need to check some homework. You can’t be too responsible when it comes to school!

5. Duke Mobile

I’m one of those people who gets lost whenever I try to go anywhere. This app keeps me aware of where I am on Duke’s campus—it gives me a map of my location and the location I am looking for, and walking directions so that I don’t get lost trying to navigate. It’s super helpful when you have classes in obscure locations or places you’ve never heard of before.

6. GoDocs

I access Google Documents pretty much every day. My sorority, my clubs, my classes… everyone uses GoogleDocs to keep in touch and share information. It’s so helpful to have GoogleDocs on my phone. When someone e-mails me a spreadsheet or other document, I can open it and edit it on my phone. It’s handy—I don’t need access to a computer anymore!

7. Pinterest

Another embarrassing online addiction I have is Pinterest. Pinterest—for those of you who don’t use it—is an online pin board. People can post random photos, quotes, and other ideas online for others to see. It’s so fun to scroll through in my spare time.           

8. Twitter

Although I’m not really a tweeter, I love looking at other people’s tweets. When I’m bored or lonely, I look through Twitter to get a quick boost of happiness. Twitter on my iPhone makes it so easy to stay updated on everything that my friends are doing.

9. Netflix

Who can complain about having Netflix on the go? If you’re stuck on the train, bored in class, at the library, or even just too lazy to get out of bed and get your computer, you can watch your favorite shows and movies on your phone!

10. Bank of America

I don’t know what bank you use, but I’m sure all banks have their own mobile apps. It’s convenient to be able to check my account balance on the go, especially when I’m trying to spend money, and I don’t know how much money I actually have to spend! Better to check than to overdraw!

Photo source: http://www.apple.com/retail/iphone/

Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.