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International Student: Aibolat Aibi Janat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Aibolat Aibi Janat is a freshman at Duke. Having lived in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and New Jersey before moving to North Carolina for college, Aibi is a perfect example of a well-rounded international Dukie. But the reason why I interviewed Aibi was not because of his interesting background (although that did play a role!); it was because he stood out to me by radiating positivity and happiness all around. He’s incredibly down-to-earth and humble, kind, caring, friendly – must I continue to convey why he’s so popular around East Campus (especially with the ladies)?

Here’s a little about the man of the week!

What has been the greatest thing about Duke so far for you?

It’s the people. I love how everyone has amazing stories. And maybe it’s because it’s only the second month of school, but I think I’ve learned more from people than from my classes so far! It’s crazy how passionate many of the students I’ve met are: if they want to do a certain thing, they plan it, and they go out and do it. It’s not just words for them, it’s action, too.

What are some of your career goals for the future?

I’m from Mongolia, a third world country: it’s very poor and corrupt. I’ve lived there for fourteen years, before moving to Kazakhstan, which is also, unfortunately corrupt. What I want to do in the future is go back in and help fix these things so people can have better lives there. Personally, education got me to where I am now: starting with my mother acquiring a better education and moving to the States, ending with me getting to Duke. Therefore, I want to go back to Mongolia to improve the education system there, including the physical conditions. A lot of kids can’t go to schools because it’s either too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter, so if we can establish the basic foundations to schooling, that’d be great. I want to give the people there more opportunities, and whether they take them or not is a different question, but if they don’t have the same opportunities as other developed countries, then it’s not an equal ground, and I want to even that ground as much as I can.

Finally, what are some of the goals you wish to accomplish while at Duke?

I want to learn from people. Also, encourage people to do the same thing, because what we sometime forget is that everyone around us has amazing stories and it’s important to take a moment and – he is interrupted by a friend running up to him, greeting him cheerfully, and asking him how his paper went – listen to them and learn. Also, I want to find who I am, and obtain all the skills I need to know to do what I want in the future.

From Almaty, Kazakhstan. Duke University student.