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Incorporate Your Summer Wardrobe into Winter!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Just added a new bunch of summery clothes to your closet after hitting up after-season sales? Or do you have a favorite warm weather outfit you can’t bear to pack away? No worries – here are three of the best ways to smoothly transition your warm weather wardrobe into winter without having to say goodbye to those crop-tops and cut-offs:
1) Layers, layers, layers – You don’t have to push your shorts to the back of your drawers because of a snowy forecast. Cropped denim can survive winter weather if paired with tights, leggings or even some fuzzy leg warmers. You can even play around with the pattern on your tights. Sleeveless tops can also be carried over from the dog days of August to the snow days of December – you can either wear them over fitted, long-sleeve shirts or under more sheer, long-sleeve shirts. Slip on a pair of boots, and you’re good to go!

2) Put a jacket over it – If you are dying to wear that new sequined tank on a night out or show off your crop-top one last time, you still can! Fun, summery blouses can be salvaged through the coldest time of year by covering up with an equally fabulous jacket. Blazers are a good option, as are trench coats. For something softer, try button-down sweaters or long cardigans so you can still display the pattern on your shirt while bundling up appropriately.

3) Tie the knot – Scarves are winter’s most helpful yet underrated wardrobe piece. They keep your neck warm while adding instant glam to an everyday look. Adding a scarf to your short dress or low-cut shirt will help you save body heat until you’re safely indoors again. If you have a wider scarf, you can wrap it around you like a substitute shawl; if you have a smaller scarf, you can tie it loosely so it stays snug against your neck. The key to remember is that a scarf can help trap in the warm air next to your body while preventing you from feeling the frigid air outside.

You don’t have to get rid of all your hot-weather wear in preparation for the colder months ahead – as long as you layer on enough material to keep the warm air in and the cold air out, you can make your shorts and tee shirts last throughout dipping temperatures.  
Photo Sources:
Source: Chickadvisor.com http://images.chickadvisor.com/article/5111/original/aaf1ccc3b64c33addd92c8033f0e6e1f.jpg
Source: Mspmag.com http://www.mspmag.com/images/fashion/asset_upload_file282_68732.jpg
Source: Stylebiscuit.com http://www.stylebiscuit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Scarf-over-dress.jpg

Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.