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The Game Changer: Katie Guidera

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Junior Katie Guidera would most likely call the rural villages in Hamakyu, South Africa her second home. After studying abroad in this area of the world over the summer after her freshman year, she discovered her passion: global health. So, any of you interested in the new Global Health major now offered at Duke, talk to Katie. Before this was an option, Katie created her own major with the help of Program II — Global Mental Health: Social Determinants and Human Rights Implications. As an avid instagrammer, I’d say Katie is #aheadofthegame. Not only did this study abroad experience point Katie in the right direction, in terms of what she wanted to study, but it also inspired her to return to South Africa. And a third time. And probably many more times to come in the future.

On her first trip, Katie and her friends in the program gained awareness about the huge malaria issue impacting rural communities in South Africa. Instead of just accepting this, they decided to take action. After returning to the States, they hit the ground running and raised over $20,000 in order to finance a return trip. During that second trip, Katie and her friends educated community health workers about malaria and various other health issues affecting the villages, resulting in these workers then being able to host education workshops to inform the locals about prevention techniques. They also taught women in the village how to sew bed nets, which not only helped keep mosquitos out, but also benefited the economy, as this is a product that everyone needs. Whoa. As a then rising-junior, Katie and her peers were already changing the lives of an entire village!

But they aren’t stopping here. Just this past weekend, Katie and her friends achieved winner-status for the Resolution Social Venture Challenge at the Clinton Global Initiative University Conference. What the heck does that mean? It means they are pretty awesome that’s what it means. Katie and her friends were one of the 17 groups (out of 300!) who were granted $5000 of start-up money to fund their Malaria Awareness Program.  

“The hope is to make this model work this summer and then implement it in other communities in the future,” Katie told me.

I have no doubt that Katie can and will achieve this. Passion means motivation, and motivation gets things done.

Speaking of getting things done, Katie is running her first 1/2 marathon this weekend in Raleigh. Running, she says, is the only time she gets to decompress from her busy schedule. Katie is also involved with Duke Partnership for Service, and she also serves as President of ChangeEducate, which is an organization that seeks to educate high school students about social entrepreneurship opportunities. Meetings on meetings on meetings are typical in the life of Katie Guidera.

With senior year on the horizon, though, Katie has made it her goal to make more time for friends and herself. Plus, she’s got to keep up with her visits to her favorite Durham restaurant, Mateo’s Tapa, as well as Mad Hatters, which is her go-to weekend study spot.

Us Dukies can all too easily get caught up in all the “stuff” we do, but Katie has thankfully come to realize the importance of free time as well. So, as the end of the semester and academic year fast approaches, take this Campus Celeb’s advice and make time for yourself. Keep Calm and Go To The Gardens!