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Is Buzzfeed Making People Stupid?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Attention everyone! There is a new mode of procrastination hitting social media. Along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, BuzzFeed has joined the ranks of most distracting websites. The social news and entertainment site is shared constantly throughout the day. Need to know what character from Frozen you are most like? Have a desire to know the 10 signs you’re not an animal person? You should probably check your friends’ wall first.

Now, there are many benefits to BuzzFeed.

1. It’s hilarious.

2. It is full of new ideas for food, style, design and travel. 29 ways to eat peanut butter for every meal? Definitely a must read.

3. It’s like the written version of Weekend Update from SNL.

4. QUIZZES! Now I am at peace knowing I am most like the Futura font because I’m sleek as hell and a total individual. BuzzFeed, you get me.

5. A forum of ridiculously adorable photographs of animals and articles that discuss the truly awkward moments in life no one talks about.

Buzzfeed is quite the package, but beware, friends! The phenomenon has its faults.  There is a fear that Buzzfeed may actually start making future generations less intelligent. By publishing heavily circulated articles of just lists and pictures, we may be losing the pleasure of reading. Why read a smart, funny, well-written article about the Winter Olympics when you could easily just skim a list of “10 things you really need to know about Sochi” that you found on your Newsfeed? I do love BuzzFeed, but it scares me how much media is currently so obsessed with making everything SUPER time-efficient and simplified. There are brilliant writers posting fascinating and substantial articles on the Internet everyday and all we really want to know about is the “31 Problems Only ‘00s Girls Understand.” So here is my challenge to you: read something today that did not come from the adored site. Read something that is over 300 hundreds words and, God forbid, has only one picture! Then read something from Buzzfeed and compare. Overall, which has enriched your mind more?

Photo source: http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/buzzfeed-lands-193-million-funding-round-146228

Duke 2015 - Central Jersey - Economics (Finance Concentration) & English double major