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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

If you’re a freshman, like me, you might have mixed feelings about coming back to Duke after fall break. On one hand, it was great to be reunited with your friends and family, but on the other, you’re excited to get back into your Duke routine.

Here are some ideas to make you more excited about the latter:

1. Seeing your Friends

While you have only really been at Duke for a little bit, you should be excited to see all of the people you’ve been living with and bonding with in the last two months. Nothing brings people together like commiserating about Marketplace.

2. Getting back into your Routine

I know the idea of going back to classes may not be the most exciting, but it always feels good to be back in the routine of going to classes and getting your work done.

3. Basketball Season

As freshman, we have yet to experience first hand the insanity that it Duke basketball, but that is soon to change. If Countdown to Crazieness on Friday didn’t get you pumped up, then I don’t know what will! School spirit is a great way to bond.

If these ideas don’t get you excited to be back on your amazing campus and you’re a little homesick after returning back home over fall break, then just remember that the longest stretch is over and you’ll be back home for Thanksgiving soon!

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