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5 Ways to Beat your North Carolina Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.


It’s cold. Too cold. The icy wind nips at your fingers at the bus stop, and the sun is such a tease—almost peaking out from behind the clouds before night falls. You’re a bit down and out, but just look below for some ways to boost your motivation to finish that paper and your mood, even on the darkest and chilliest of days.

1. Stay active

Take a Pilates or yoga class in Wilson or Brodie for a rejuvenating workout. As per Elle Woods: “Exercise give people endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.”

2. Get out

While it may be tempting to hibernate through winter with some hot chocolate and your latest Netflix binge—we’re looking at you, House of Cards season 2—nothing will brighten your mood like being with friends.

3. Find a somewhere you can (warmly) soak up the sun

From the safety of the heated indoors, find a study space (try the second floor of Lilly or Von der Heyden Pavilion) or a nice place to grab a bite (try the Law School Refectory or Mad Hatter) with high ceilings and plenty of light. Sit next to a window for some much-needed winter sun.

4. Don’t be afraid to bundle up

The best part of winter? The cute hats, plush scarves, embellished gloves and fuzzy boots. And it’s much easier to enjoy the beauty of February if you’re not freezing along with everything outside.

5. Embrace winter

Winter will be short—it is North Carolina after all—so make the most out of it while you can. Sled down the hill behind your dorm, spend a very warm night in Cameron surrounded by your fellow student and get cozy with some hot chocolate.