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Writers Abroad Spotlight: Shailyn Lineberry in Sevilla, Spain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Where are you studying abroad and with what program? 

I am studying in Sevilla, Spain with ISA (International Studies Abroad).

When did you program begin, and what are your top three moments so far? 

My program began in September (9/16). I had an orientation in Madrid for two nights, and then, as a group, we traveled to Toledo for one night. I didn’t arrive in Sevilla until traveling for 4 days! But, I was thankful to have a full week of travel/orientation before I started class. 

My top 3 moments:

  • Exploring the small beach town of Cádiz! I can’t believe I was at the beach in October :)  
  • Traveling with a friend who is also studying abroad in Spain to Morocco to meet up with our other friend who is studying in Meknes
  • Renting a car and driving 2 hours outside the city to hike Cerro del Hierro with friends  

Are you enjoying the program? Any hard likes or dislikes? 

I am very happy with my decision. I was lucky enough to study abroad before, during my senior year of high school, in Granada, and it was very important to me to return back to Analucía 3 years later for my college study abroad experience. I could not have picked a more perfect city for me; I love living with my host family, I have an incredible roommate, and I have thoroughly enjoyed making new friends! My experience has been very positive and I feel so blessed to be here. I do not have any hard dislikes so far. 

Being in Sevilla, Spain, what is the hardest cultural adjustment? 

The hardest cultural adjustment for me so far is home life. I am living with a host family, and in Sevilla, it is quite uncommon to just chill at home and have down time. Most young people our age do not sit in bed and recharge their batteries by watching Netflix, they’d much rather go meet up with friends outside. That being said, I could not be happier with my host family. What I miss most about life at DU is being able to hang out and relax with friends at home. It is not customary (or allowed in my program) to invite guests over to just hang out at home. They don’t even pregame here! The house is for family – I have yet to even step foot in the family living room yet, but this varies from family to family.  

Any favorite classes, professors, people or locations in Sevilla, Spain? 

My favorite class is my Spanish film class. It is incredibly interesting to me, because it is more like a history class that is supplemented with film clips. I have always been fascinated with history, and it is so interesting to me to learn about such a complex country. I love my “Spanish in the Americas” professor; she is my only female professor and cares deeply about her students. 

I love hanging out in parks, running by the river, and getting lost in the Santa Cruz neighborhood!   

Would you recommend this program and why? 

Absolutely. Aside from the city’s location, the University of Sevilla is incredibly beautiful and rich with history. They offer a lot of support for their international students. For example, I signed up for an “intercambio” or an exchange with another student from Spain! We grab coffee sometimes to catch up and speak in both English and Spanish. Also, my ISA program includes a lot of different excursions that are included in the program (Portugal, Madrid, Toledo, Granada, and Cordoba). Every Monday night they host a soccer match, but I have yet to go to it because I’m in class.  

Any advice to someone else going to this program in the future?

Definitely take advantage of the excursions you have already paid ISA for (it’s included in the payment)! So, don’t plan too much travel in advance, if you are looking to take weekend excursions. 

*Bonus questions*

Favorite campus location: Study area on the 2nd floor. The lighting is gorgeous, and there is a beautiful stained glass window that functions as the ceiling. 

Favorite staple food: Tinto de verano! (a drink, not a food whoops)

What do you miss from the US? Peanut butter! 

What do you enjoy there that isn’t in the US? Siesta! I love Spain time. I also like how much time is put into every meal; you can’t get a take away at most restaurants because you’re supposed to sit down and actually enjoy your meal.

Favorite country location: Sevilla :) my host city 

Least favorite place: I can’t answer that without lying because I love everywhere 

Least favorite cultural difference: Cat calling

Favorite cultural difference: Nightlife! And the lack of binge drinking

Favorite candy? ​Gelato

Currently a graduate from the University of Denver with a BS in Psychology (concentration: cognitive neuroscience) and BA in Spanish. With a passion for learning, she enjoys understanding more the world, others, and herself. She absolutely loves her orange hair, being a woman, traveling, languages, and exploring new ideas and cultures. Also, she's in the #girlgang for life.