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Week 5 Pio-scopes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Midterms? Formals? Mercury in retrograde? What else?! Check out what the stars have in store as we finish up the craziest week of the quarter. May the stars be ever in your favor…

Capricorn: Hey Type A lady friend- it’s okay if things don’t go entirely to plan this week. Remember to sleep for longer than 4 hours and try to treat yo’ self… don’t plunge into the punishing black hole of color coding your annotations at 3:00AM and pretending it’s normal. It’s not. Stop.


Aquarius: Remember Detective John Munch from Law & Order SVU? The guy who believed everything was a conspiracy and you should always be paranoid? DON’T BE JOHN MUNCH. JUST BREATHE.


Pisces: Hey momma bear, take care of YOU, too. Yo’ girl may be crying after a rough one at the Border, but you don’t have to make your entire weekend about her. Treat yo’ self…ASAP.


Libra: Cool, calm, and collected- you have a way with finding the bright side, even in the craziest of times. Spread your loving charm like frosting on a hot cake all over campus this weekend- your peers need it.


Scorpio: You’ve been playing hard to get for too long. Yes, you are a bad ass who deserves to be on a pedestal at all times- but, sometimes you have to drop a couple of hints to make sure the one you are interested in gets the picture.


Sagittarius: Escape your problems with a day trip to the mountains this weekend. Your love for adventure and exploration will be your savior. Only two more days until you can escape week 5…you can do it!  

Cancer: Been wanting to hide under your covers with Netflix and a bowl of Muddy Buddy? DO IT. It’s okay to be a little anti-social after a tough week. Embrace your anti-social-ness this weekend, girlfriend.


Leo: Two papers, a Friday morning exam, and a group project due in the next 48 hours? You, my creative lioness, can find a way to get creative and make it all happen seamlessly. Buckle down, stop online shopping, and power through.


Virgo: STOP BEING SO HARD TO PLEASE. Take a kind gesture, no matter how small or how underwhelming, with grace. You are not Princess Kate and Mr. Right is not the future king of England. Step down, home girl.


Aries: Yes, you are number one. Yes, you are the bomb.com. Yes, it is okay to not score perfectly on every exam this week. Grab a mimosa and a stack of pancakes this weekend and accept defeat because guess what? You are still human!


Taurus: Take a deep breath, lady. Keep your head in check and that temper under control. No bad omelet from the Nelson or stain on your new jeans is worth becoming a ticking bomb over.


Gemini: The queen of multiple personalities- smile at your enemies and take a moment to appreciate the smaller things. Frenemies are better than rivals, you know? Bite your tongue and lay low!