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Tackling College In A Long Distance Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

We can all agree that long distance is one of the hardest things about college, but I speak from very personal experience when I say, you can make it work. I’ve been with my guy for over a year, and most of that year I was here at DU and he was at home 500 miles away. I saw him 6 times throughout the school year. That’s it. But we are still going strong and happy as ever. When it comes to being apart for so long, it’s difficult to gauge how much to talk. Before I left we agreed to text a little throughout the days when we had breaks, but we made it very clear that constant communication could not be expected of either of us. Being open and clear about expectations is huge when it comes to keeping a healthy LD relationship. A second thing that really helped us was snapchat! It is nice to be able to see a 10 second video into their everyday life every once in a while. At this point I’m sure some of you are wondering what about phone calls and FaceTime!? All last year I had a piece of sh*t phone, and FaceTime was not an option. We talked on the phone a couple times a month is all to be honest, but it only made it more special when we did.

Don’t let this deceive you into thinking it was easy, because it wasn’t. It was hard, and it sucked sometimes. And there were nights where I fell asleep skyping on my computer with him because I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye. Remembering that I had something worth crying over and missing is what kept me going. Another thing that kept us so close was a visit once in a while. It gave me something to look forward to and motivate me. Twice he came to DU to spend the weekend in my twin sized bed with me. Those weekends are what I lived for. I am also lucky enough to have a guy who drove 500 miles on a motorcycle to surprise me right before finals last year. It was our constant effort to try that kept things going strong. So my advice to anyone coming to college in a LD relationship is to be open and communicate.

Molly is from Salina, Kansas and is a second year at the University of Denver. She is currently an International Studies and French major. When Molly isn't writing for HC, she is working as a swim instructor for a private company teaching little kiddos! If she's not working she loves hanging out at Kaladi Brothers Coffee, or thrifting at local thrift shops. Molly is involved in humanitarian organizations and the french club on campus! Molly's motto is, "Follow your arrow no matter where it points".