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Super Bowl 51 Gets Political

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Super Bowl 51 got political this year- not only did Lady Gaga give us a political half time show, but over half of the advertisements that aired throughout the game sent political messages, too. Check out any that you missed by clicking on the links! 

Lady Gaga– LG rightfully started with the National Anthem to remind us all that we are one nation… a good reminder in these new and uncertain times. Not only did she send an uplifting political message, she also rocked her tummy and sent an uplifting commentary on body image. With all the internet uproar about her belly, we proudly support her! Go Gaga go! We stand with you and your body confidence. #nobodyshaming

Mr. Clean promoted gender equality and dismantled gender roles. Not to mention, the ad showed us the steamy love that can come from mopping the floor just in time for Valentine’s Day.

84Lumber is arguably the most intense ad of the Super Bowl. The company showed us that they are standing with Mexican immigrants and their journey for home and equality through family, love, hard work and compassion.

Airbnb with their “we accept” ad featured people of all colors, ages, and nations with the empowering message, “we believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love, or who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept each other!

Audi gave us a powerful message about daughters and building a future of equal opportunity for women. Audi may be the most talked about commercial of all, topping countless Super Bowl commercial review surveys.

Budweiser shared their story of the American melting pot that subtly reminds us all that we are from somewhere else and have come together to call this country home.

Honda launched their “Power of Dreams” campaign during the Super Bowl aimed at encouraging anyone and everyone to strive for their dreams.

While there were many more commercials that were both funny and serious, these few ads spoke loudly among traditional advertising this past Sunday in hopes that our communities will unite for the greater good. 

Molly is from Salina, Kansas and is a second year at the University of Denver. She is currently an International Studies and French major. When Molly isn't writing for HC, she is working as a swim instructor for a private company teaching little kiddos! If she's not working she loves hanging out at Kaladi Brothers Coffee, or thrifting at local thrift shops. Molly is involved in humanitarian organizations and the french club on campus! Molly's motto is, "Follow your arrow no matter where it points". 
Alicia is a recent graduate from the University of Denver where she earned her degree in Economics and Gender & Women's Studies. She can always be found with a cup of coffee in her hand and is likely to be caught singing 90s R&B throughout the day. Now exploring her next steps in life, she is taking fashion courses at the Parsons New School of Design and planning out her graduate school and career moves. She is inspired by the writings of Roxanne Gay, the style of Alexa Chung, and the lifestyle of Grace Coddington.  Â