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Jackie Ryan / Her Campus

Staying at Home Over Spring Break Because of COVID-19?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

As we head into spring break and concerns about the coronavirus mount, a lot of people are wondering “Now what?” Although COVID-19 might have changed your plans last minute, there are still ways to make the most out of break. Here are a few ideas:

Learn new recipes

Ever wanted to make food like the dishes that look amazing online, but have never found the time because of school? Now is the time to look at all of those saved “Tasty” videos, and treat yourself to some amazing home-cooked meals. 

Have a dinner date with some friends or your significant other to show off your new skills. Even if your plans abroad or across the state got cancelled, why not make food that originates from that place and embody the spirit of being there?

Read a book

There is nothing better than waking up and starting your day with a book that has been sitting on the shelf for months. Reading helps us improve our focus and memory, as well as our vocabulary and writing skills. Work on self-improvement while indulging in a good book. 

Why not take the time to kickstart some creative thinking? Maybe you’ll get inspired to write your own story. 

Netflix & self care

Enjoy yourself without being worried about assignments or tests. It’s time to relax and treat yourself. Your plans may have changed, but there is always a bright side at the end of the tunnel. In this instance, it is face masks and Netflix TV shows.  

Pick up a new hobby

Pick up painting, writing, or learning a new language. Spring break is the perfect time to set time aside, and immerse yourself in the new. Even if you decide it isn’t for you, at least you can say you’ve tried it. The best investments are those we make in ourselves, as you never know where a new hobby can lead you. 

Stay healthy

It’s always important to keep yourself healthy, but especially right now. Keep washing your hands, and take the precautions necessary if traveling around for break. 

Enjoy spring break! Don’t forget to take it easy, and relish in having time to go without school responsibilities. You deserve it. 

Molly is a Senior at the University of Denver, studying communication with minors in entrepreneurship and psychology. As of late, her hobbies include writing, perfecting her languages skills in German, French, and Spanish as well as testing different entrepreneurial ideas. Molly recently got back from studying abroad in Madrid, Spain this past fall and loves sharing all insights and ideas as well as being apart of great groups such as HerCampus. :)
Hello! I am one of the Her Campus DU Campus Correspondents! I am majoring in Psychology with minors in Chemistry and Criminology with the hopes of becoming a Forensic Psychologist someday! I joined Her Campus to be able to get my voice out there, as writing is one of my utmost passions. Some of my favorite things include Jesus, my family, and learning new things.