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Pie a (Cute) Pi Kap!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.


Hey ladies! Don’t miss your chance today and tomorrow to Pi a (cute) Pi Kap on Driscoll Green! They’re out Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00am -6:00pm raising money that goes to “Ability Experience”. Tickets are only $2 a pie, or $5 for 3 pies! 

Molly is from Salina, Kansas and is a second year at the University of Denver. She is currently an International Studies and French major. When Molly isn't writing for HC, she is working as a swim instructor for a private company teaching little kiddos! If she's not working she loves hanging out at Kaladi Brothers Coffee, or thrifting at local thrift shops. Molly is involved in humanitarian organizations and the french club on campus! Molly's motto is, "Follow your arrow no matter where it points".