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Justine Gildea ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Shout out to this weeks campus cutie, Justine Gildea. This Pio has done everything on campus, whether you see her running to and from classes or internships or traveling the globe you’ll want to join in on her amazing journey.

Hometown: Hershey, PA  

Year:  Sophomore

Major: Business Information Analytics and Finance

Her Campus: What are you involved in on Campus?

Justine Gildea : I am a on Fraternity and Sorority Life council and hold an executive position. I am the Director of Scholarship. I am also a member of the Alpha Phi Sorority where I am the Gala chairman.


HC: Favorite TV show..

JG: Friends, always.


HC: 3 foods you cant live without?

JG: 1 Cookie Dough, 2. Mac and Cheese, 3. Brussel Sprouts


HC: What is it like living in a house full of girls?

JG: It’s like a never ending sleepover. I have an unlimited number of closets and clothes to chose from and I never have to worry about being lonely.


HC: What’s one thing you wish you knew how to do?

JG: I wish I knew how to fly a plane.


HC: Pennsylvania or Colorado, which is better?

JG: I love Pennsylvania because it’s my home and I have such easy access to D.C. and NYC but Colorado has so much more stuff to do in the immediate area. The mountains are way better in the west though!


HC: What did you do this summer?

JG: I spent the summer living in Bethlehem where I taught ballet classes as well as worked for the Palestinian government.  I traveled all through the Middle East to Jordan, Gaza Strip, Israel and the Golan Heights.