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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.
The University of Denver has just advanced to the semifinals after a 15-13 win against Ohio State, and we’ve talked to one of our favorite freshman to shine a little light on this face-off champion. Trevor Baptiste is currently one of the most talked about and celebrated players in the NCAAs right now, and for you Pios at the game, you may have seen him winning face-off after face-off and charging the Ohio State goal to help contribute to our semifinal advancement. 
Name: Trevor Baptiste 
Year: Freshman
Major: Business undecided
Position: Faceoff midfielder
Her Campus: What is your daily schedule like? 
TB: I usually have class from around 10-2 and practice from 3:30-7 Monday-Friday, depending on my class schedule – we just can’t have class past 2. Then we have games on Saturday, and Sundays are off. 
HC: Was there a specific point in your life you realized you wanted to play D1 lacrosse? 
TB:I realized I wanted to go to DU during my senior year when Coach Tierney reached out to me and invited me for a visit. Once I did my visit and met the team, I realized this is an awesome place and an amazing team from everyone apart of it to our skills. 
HC: What’s the most challenging aspect of playing on the DU lacrosse team? 
TB: The most challenging aspect is staying focused with school work when fatigued from practice, and not having a lot of time because of the time commitment. 
HC: How has lacrosse played a role in your life before DU? 
TB: Lacrosse played a role in my life first as a hobby in 6th grade. As I got older, I became more serious with it and now it has given me the opportunity to attend and play at DU. 
HC: What were you most nervous about going into the game against Brown? 
TB: Going into the Brown game, there was a lot on the line. It was the first game of the NCAA tournament so there was a lot to lose. If we lost we could’ve been done with the season with that one game. 
HC: Could you tell us a little about how you’re feeling going into the Ohio State game?
TB: We feel grateful to play Ohio State in the NCAA quarterfinals. We played them earlier in the season and lost. You can’t ask for anything better than a rematch at Mile High Stadium.
I'm from Westchester, New York and am a junior at the University of Denver. Currently I'm a media studies major and a double minor in fine arts and communications. When I'm not busy writing papers, avoiding math or at a sorority event I can be found in the mountains or watching movies. One day I will probably be making indie films and hanging out on the ski slopes. My Pro Tip: Do what you love, love what you do.