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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Something strange is happening in the world of fashion. A long-abandoned and often-mocked fashion trend of the 90’s is making a comeback. And quite honestly, I don’t know how to feel about it. Yes friends, the turtleneck is back in style. Maybe it was all of those Friends episodes now available to view on Netflix, but someone decided that it was time to bring out this old classic once again. Luckily, this isn’t the Christmas-themed turtleneck your mother put you in when you were a toddler (or was that just me?). Right now the big trends are striped turtlenecks or heavy, chunky versions. They’re being layered under cardigans, vests, and sweaters; they’re being worn (gasp!) all by themselves with a pair of jeans. Honestly, some people make them look pretty chic; but I’m not sure I can get behind it. The turtleneck seems to violate everything I know about fashion (as in, don’t dress like your parents did in the 90’s). What about you? Are you planning on rocking the turtleneck this winter?

Maybe I should take a cue from Joey and just accept this new trend.

I am a senior at the University of Denver studying English and Economics. I love watching football, wine nights with my best friends, traveling, exploring my city, and I can't start my day without a cup of coffee. Follow me on instagram @lexihoffman12