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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Whether you enjoy the cold weather or not, here are some things to look forward to as we dive deeper into the autumn season. 


1. No fear, chapstick season is here! I do not know about you, but I’ve never actually finished an entire chapstick without losing it. Cold weather is the perfect excuse to stock up on this necessity. My personal favorites are Burt’s Bees and Nivea (affordable and they do the job) 

2. Big sweaters and sweatshirts are comfortable, cute, and oftentimes, you don’t even have to wear a bra! If you’re running late to class and it’s chilly outside, just throw on your oversized sweatshirt and start speed walking (considering there may not be enough support to run…) 


3. When the snow is up to your knees, you should not be expected to wear anything other than leggings or sweatpants. Besides, jeans and jean shorts are the ultimate enemies when trying to be comfortable. Throw on leggings and a comfy sweatshirt and you’re cold-weather approved. 

4. Is it too cold to wear shorts? Are you planning on wearing pants for the next 7 months? Then do not even bother with the razor; save your time and your money! There is no need to shave your legs when nobody can see them. 


5. Pit stains are much less of an issue if you are an incessant sweater (@ me). Don’t get me wrong, deodorant is still necessary but at least the stains are harder to spot. 


6. Hot coffee, hot chocolate, hot apple cider, and hot tea. Enough said. 


I am a Senior at the University of Denver studying Communication Studies, Marketing, and Writing Practices. I love photography, exercise, reading, and trying new foods. I am currently one of the CC's here at HCDU.