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What To Watch During Your Netflix Marathon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

The fall is finally here which equates to warm sweaters, boots, and of course, seasonal activities such as fruit picking, leaf pile making, and celebrating Thanksgiving. For antisocial people like me, however, the cold weather equates to drinking hot chocolate and watching boundless episodes of TV on Netflix. Luckily for you, I compiled a list of the top TV shows found on Netflix to fit particular categories.

Shows That Will Make You Cry From Laughing

Parks and Recreation

April Ludgate’s hatred of all living things and Leslie Knope’s naïve optimism and love of all things waffle related are great reasons to watch. They’re hilarious! Ron Swanson’s love for bacon and eggs and hatred of government are pretty awesome, too.

New Girl

Getting stuck in a marathon is totally worth it for Jessica Day’s cute outfits, flashbacks of Schmidt going to college, Schmidt’s infatuation with himself, or…anything related to Schmidt, at all.

Arrested Development

Don’t know what Tobia Funke’s rare medical condition that makes him a nevernude is? Know nothing about Lucille Bluth’s alcoholism or Buster’s love of juice? You will soon.

Shows That Will Make You Cry Due To Manipulative Song Montages


Between the fast-paced dialogue that takes place between the lawyers and Millicent Grant’s scorned woman outbursts, you will be hooked in no time. Olive Pope’s white suits are that. Good.

Orange is the New Black

Orange is indeed the new black. The heart-wrenching flashbacks about how the characters ended up in jail and the fact that almost the entire show takes place in a prison makes this the most unique on the list.  

Grey’s Anatomy

McSteamy, McDreamy, the “frouple” of Cristina Yang and Meredith Grey. You can learn about all of these things and more (including dramatic two part episodes that involve drowning, home-made bombs, and shooters) watching Grey’s Anatomy.

Because We All Love Vests, Pink Leather Skirts, and Turtlenecks

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy can pull off velvet skirts and also fight vampires and Spike’s hair looks like ramen noodles. Do you even need to know what I’m talking about to appreciate that? No.


Despites the terrible, terrible interlace of realistic drama and events with supernatural demons and warlocks, the fact that Charmed survived as a TV Show after killing off one of the main characters in the beginning of the series is pretty impressive.

Dawson’s Creek

The modern soliloquies tear at your inner teenage hormonal heart strings and the Joey & Pacey vs Joey & Dawson debate will rage on, forever.

ABC Family TV Shows (They’re so bad, they’re good)

Pretty Little Liars

You may be ridiculously confused all the time when you watch this show, but Hanna’s one-liners make it worth it.

The Secret Life of the American Teenager

All of the pregnancies that occur in one high school—shouldn’t the kids be studying for their PSSA’s? Celebrate/mourn the death of Molly Ringwald’s acting career with this show.

Aubrey Nagle is an English major at Drexel University. She is currently a Features intern at Marie Claire and has previously interned Seventeen and Philadelphia magazine. She loves everything about pop culture and someday hopes to be a culture critic or an Entertainment Director for a women's magazine or national newspaper.To view her clips visit aubreynagle.contently.com and follow her on Twitter @aubsn.