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Staying Motivated While Waiting for A-Round Interview Requests

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

It’s that time of year again: the birds are chirping, the weather is heating up, and the thought of Drexel’s A- round of co-op is filling you with fear. Now that the requesting interviews portion of A- round is over, students with the fall-winter co-op cycle have to wait until May 29 to find out if they’ve been granted interviews.

Whether you’re applying as a freshman or an experienced upperclassman, here are some ways to stay optimistic while you wait to hear back from employers:

1. There’s always Rounds B and C

You could still get an amazing co-op at a company that offers jobs during the later rounds. For example, Comcast and JPMorgan Chase have hired Drexel students during Rounds B and C. Round B doesn’t start until July so there’s plenty of time to improve your resume and interview skills so that hiring managers will be impressed. Talk to your co-op coordinator about setting up a mock interview or going over your resume.

2.  Focus on the present

Make plans with your friends to do something during this waiting period so that you can keep your mind off of co-op. Maybe you could spend a day sightseeing on a Philadelphia bus tour, binge watching a show on Netflix, or even studying for the “midterms” you have this week.

3.  Any experience is good experience

If this is your first co-op it’s important to remember that you are applying for the same jobs that students on their second or third co-op are applying for so you might not get the job you wanted. If your dream is to work in Social Media Marketing for Amazon.com, that co-op in event planning for a small business can help you gain the skills that your dream employer is looking for. Besides, your co-workers could be cool, the view from the office could be spectacular, or the cafeteria food could be delicious. Be open to the possibilities!

4. This picture

‘Nuff said.

No matter what happens, the Drexel Co-op Program is meant to be a learning experience so it is up to you to make the most of it and set goals (like increasing your GPA or getting more involved in student organizations) so that you get hired for the job you really want during your second and third co-op. Good luck!

Sarah is a Marketing and Technology & Innovation Management major from Brooklyn, NY. In her free time she enjoys reading lifestyle/fashion/beauty blogs and literature, trying to get her life together, watching Netflix, and spending an unhealthy amount of time on social media.