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A Review of Plated

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

I was at co-op one day when a group of my coworkers started talking about something called Plated and how much they like it. They said it would be good for me since I’m a college girl always on the go. I wondered exactly what it was and decided to check it out.

Plated is an online food service where you can pick which meals you’d like to make for dinner that week. All of the ingredients are fresh and natural and shipped in a box packed with dry ice from Plated’s office in New York City. Here are the pricing plans for weekly deliveries:

My boss sent me a promo to get up to $72 worth of free food (score!), so I was eager to try it.

The ingredients arrive super fresh and labeled for which meal they should be used for. Everything came with clear, step-by-step instructions and I loved making the meals. I found that they often took five to ten minutes less than the recipes stated, which meant I could enjoy them just a little bit faster.

I really enjoyed using Plated. A major pro was that I didn’t have to worry about getting groceries – they were delivered straight to my door! I also didn’t have to plan out what I would be eating that week, which was a huge bonus. Overall, Plated was a great timesaver and stress-reliever.

Also, since the meals are supposed to be for two people, I had enough leftovers for another meal, sometimes even two. After my promo ended, I switched to the two dinners for two people plan and found that the meals gave me almost a week’s worth of food. I also started racking up promo codes and got my friends to try it for free, too! Now my roommates and I have over 15 recipe cards that we can use whenever we want.

On the other hand, I think Plated can get a bit pricey for the average college student. Since I was on co-op, I didn’t really care about the cost, but when I switched to being back in classes, I definitely cut back on ordering. Maybe one day Plated will have a plan for college students because I think we would like the convenience of not having to plan what to eat and having all the ingredients delivered to our doors.

Beth is a pre-junior at Drexel University, majoring in Operations and Supply Chain Management.  You can find her at coffee shops in Old City, running around the Fairmount neighborhood, or tucked away playing the piano in MacAlister's practice rooms.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.