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Preview of Drexel’s 125th Anniversary Book

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

This past quarter I was lucky enough to help the Drexel History Department with their creation of a book that will acknowledge and celebrate Drexel University’s 125-year history. I was also a broke college student trying to pay dues with too much free time on my hands, so of course I offered my help in exchange for a small reward and something to do.

Founded in 1898, Drexel University will soon be 125 years old. Though we are not old when compared to the University of Pennsylvania, we still have a rich history. The book, which is written by current Drexel faculty and staff, alumni, as well as some of A.J. Drexel’s family members, will start with a description of A.J Drexel’s life and continue through to the founding of the university and its plans for the future.

Though I only helped this past winter quarter, I was able to learn a lot about Drexel’s founding, history, and our future. For example, everyone has been mispronouncing Disque. It’s actually pronounced “Dis-quay.” Also, I can now name the past five presidents of Drexel University and the executive board’s reasoning for choosing them as president. So if you find me around campus, quiz me on what I know!

I played a small part in an even larger task. I transcribed an interview. I sat in the Drexel Archives looking at cool pictures of anything Drexel related (there is a lot). I fact-checked and source-checked. But mostly importantly I learned more about the university that I attend.

The book recently went to the publishers for review and I am excited for its release date, which has not yet been announced. Make sure to follow Her Campus at Drexel to stay up-to-date about the release and other things happening on campus!


(Picture: Snowman outside of Stratton, Courtesy of Drexel Archives)

Maegan is a sophomore History major at Drexel University who constantly contemplates double majoring or double minoring. When she's not writing a paper, reading or watching Netflix, she can be found day-dreaming, eating, staring at the sun or all of the above.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.