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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

When you look up the traits of a Sagittarius, you are met with words such as “spontaneous,” “risk-takers,” and “adventurers.” The blueprint for outgoing. As a Sagittarius, I can’t fully express how much I don’t identify with those words. I honestly thought my sign was a mistake for a long time. After hours of combing through my birth chart and confirming that I am a Sagittarius, I began to question how this happened. All my life, I have been anxiety personified, always sticking to the rules and never leaving my comfort zone. How could someone like me be a Sagittarius? I always felt left out when people closely identified with their sun sign and used it to explain certain characteristics they had and actions they took. I couldn’t do those things. 

It wasn’t until recently that I started realizing that while risk-taking, adventuring, and spontaneity were heavily associated with Sagittarius, those are only surface-level traits. Upon further research, I found that Sagittariuses represent “independence,” “emotional intelligence,” and “honesty.” I wouldn’t say that I’m the most independent person in the world, but I do value my alone time and need to process things on my own. When independence is vital to a situation, I pull from within myself to become fiercely independent in those moments.  While being anxious makes it a bit difficult for me to connect with people, I find that I am hyper-aware of my own emotions and the emotions of those around me. However, the trait I most identify with out of the ones I’ve just listed is honesty. Maybe it’s because I was told from a young age never to lie, or perhaps it’s the Sagittarius in me, but I am a big proponent of honesty. I  sometimes fear I am a little too honest (which is something Sagittarians are known for), and I need to hold back a little. So, hey, at least I can say I relate to Sagittarius in some capacity. 

I noticed a few weeks back that the most relatable Sagittarius content to me was that of Sagittarius-focused Instagram pages. The page @saggittariusmoody, in particular, has many posts that have me laughing or nodding in agreement. On this page and other pages like it, I learned that Sagittarians are known for their moodiness, stubbornness, procrastination, inability to open up about their feelings, and over-analysis of everything. If that isn’t me, I don’t know what is. Every day it makes more and more sense why Sagittarius is my sun sign. 

I consider myself to be a somewhat witty person. While I thought this was simply a regular personality trait, I have newly realized that this quick wit of mine is something else to attribute to being a Sagittarius. Nine times out of ten, I have a comeback or joke for everything. The comeback part stems from that pesky stubborn trait. Although, the jokes go over quite well. Well, you win some, you lose some. 

However, that stubbornness leads to persistence. Sagittarians are dreamers, myself included. Once we have a goal set, we will reach it. As fire signs, we are driven by passion and creativity. I have noticed over the years that there needs to be a creative aspect in everything I do for me to flourish. If there is no creative aspect, I will make one myself. In my experience, I will stop at nothing for the things I am passionate about, whether that be a long-term career goal of becoming an author and releasing music or a minor element such as a TV show I enjoy. Once I am involved with something, I am all in. I fully know I can use these traits to my advantage, whether in school, work, or life in general. 

Sagittarians are also family-oriented. As both an Italian and Sagittarius, family is one of my highest priorities. It couldn’t be avoided with that combination. I have always attributed that tendency to my culture and not to my zodiac sign, but to know both of those things have a contributing factor is pretty intriguing. 

I may not be the most adventurous person in the traditional sense. Maybe I’m not spontaneously planning trips to Italy or some other place, and I’m not one to take a risk like skydiving. Still, I identify with these traits in my way. I stepped out of my comfort zone this year to audition for Drexel’s all-female Cappella group, The Treblemakers (even though I was scared to death) and got in. I’d say that fits into the definition of adventurous. I’ve also stepped out of my anxious bubble and told a stranger in Starbucks I liked their outfit. My version of spontaneity. As for risk-taking, not long ago, I opened up about a personal issue to my roommate, someone who I have not known for that long. I was worried about her reaction, but all was well. While that may not seem like a risk to some people, it certainly was for me. 

It has been a long journey (one might even say an adventure) to connect with my sun sign. Yet, here I stand, fully proud to be a Sagittarius. We are not all outgoing, but we are each uniquely Sagittarian.

Hi! I'm a sophomore English major with a concentration in writing. I love music and TV shows!