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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

The BagThe bag I use for co-op was given to me as a gift on my 18th birthday, specifically to carry to interviews, work, and other formal business occasions. It is a black Signature Coach Fabric Tote. It is simple, large, easy to carry tote.

The Contents

Water bottle: I drink a lot of water and thankfully my office has a water cooler. If only we had a freezer for ice, I would be the happiest person in the world.

Starbucks cup: In the morning, I’ll bring an extra drink for my breakfast. Sometimes it’s orange juice, other times its milk. If I have extra time, I’ll make a smoothie and put it in the cup.

An extra pair of shoes: As much as I would love to have killer calves, I also like being able to feel my feet at the end of the day. That being said, I go to work in sneakers and will change into my heels at work.

My wallet: My debit card taunts me and loves to be used. Thankfully I am in the middle of Center City and everything (food, shops, etc.) is only a block or two away.

A small cosmetics pouch: For that quick 2 p.m. touch-up, I like to keep a small mineral foundation powder, a kabuki brush, mini mascara, an extra lipstick, and lip-gloss as well as chapstick. Thank you Sephora and Bare Minerals for providing an endless amount of free or inexpensive travel sized products

A mini-mergengcy kit: This literally holds everything you could think of in a pouch the size of your fist including Band-Aids, tampons, and hairspray. It would be wise to invest in this Pinch Provisions Kit.

A portable charger: A charged phone is necessary to be able to tell someone I’m running late (since it happens frequently).

Keys: Nothing special here, except the mini plug that I use to charge my phone. Another great Amazon buy.

A small container of pills: I’ve got allergy pills so I don’t suffer from the pollen in those wind tunnels. I’ve got Aleve and Advil for minor headaches. Also, there’s some Midol for that special time of the mouth. If I’m sick, I will throw in DayQuil and cough drops.

Tissues: Whether you need to blot your face, blow your nose, or make a snowflake, tissues are always good.

A pink pouch: This is only in my bag once a month. It is home to five tampons, five pads, and three to five party-liners.

Lotion: Philly water is so harsh and I like smooth hands.

Headphones: These are to drown out my sorrows.

Dental floss: To remove that sneaky leftover food stuck in between teeth.

Gum: To disguise the smell of whatever I just ate.

A rollerball perfume: It’s my middle-of-the-day pick me up. I like to smell like flowers.

A mini brush: I try to look presentable with brushed hair and Philly wind tunnels are harsh on the locks. Plus brushing your hair is relaxing.

Snacks: I eat constantly.

Lunch: I try not to eat out every day, so I pack my lunch every night and when I come into the office in the morning I put my lunch in the fridge.

Breakfast: I am not a morning person so I make my breakfast the night before and eat at my desk in the morning after I warm it up in the office.

Hand sanitizer: There are germs everywhere.


Though it may seem like a lot, most of these items are small or miniature sized. My stocked co-op bag allows me to leave my apartment confidently and feeling prepared. Tell us what’s in your bag!

Maegan is a sophomore History major at Drexel University who constantly contemplates double majoring or double minoring. When she's not writing a paper, reading or watching Netflix, she can be found day-dreaming, eating, staring at the sun or all of the above.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.