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Monica Paulson: There and Back Again

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

As students we get the opportunity to pursue our own dreams and try to figure out what we actually want to do with the rest of our lives. Drexel gives us the opportunity to play around with majors, maybe pick up a new and interesting minor, or even join an organization from the comfort of campus. Whether it’s academically-based, sports-related, Greek life, or just a social organization, many students are itching to find their place here on campus. Some students dream a little bigger and explore study abroad opportunities to see what the rest of the world really has to offer.

Monica Paulson stumbled into a study abroad opportunity that was a little too good to be true. “I don’t think it actually sunk in that I was going abroad until I was about to board my plane to leave Philly for three months.” But those three months didn’t include an ordinary study abroad in London. In three months Monica was able not only to study and maintain stellar grades in London, but also truly get to see everything Europe had to offer her. Monica spent every second of her free time traveling and exploring an entire continent. Her travels included France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Wales. Her adventures were endless but some highlights to her trip include cliff diving in Wales, walking the beach at night in Barcelona, eating amazing local food in Italy, and experiencing everything Oktoberfest had to offer. Her endless travels brought her new experiences that truly changed her views on life and developed her into the person she wishes to be.

“Don’t be defined by what others think or say about you,” was just one of the life lessons she came home with. Monica went abroad with an open mind and discovered her love of being outdoors with one weekend full of hiking and cliff diving, something she would have never tried here in the States. Monica also came home having learned that “everything in life is truly what you make of it. I could have spent the entire time abroad just studying and Netflixing, but instead I went out and tried to get every ounce of what Europe had to offer.” She would recommend any study abroad opportunity to any student, but not to simply just go. Study abroad is an opportunity to learn about yourself and the world. Take every opportunity it has to offer.

So what are Monica’s tips about studying abroad? Well besides trying anything and everything with an open mind, she recommends human interaction. “Don’t buy data for a smart phone plan because the human interactions that you have when you’re not constantly on your phone is so pure.” Meeting as many people as possible is so important because you never truly know a country or culture until you know its people. She also said to not be afraid to spend money, you are only in this new place for such a short period of time so go all out and do what you want to enjoy your new adventure abroad. Finally, Monica’s best advice is that it will not be perfect all the time. Homesickness will strike, and social media will include stories of friends having fun back home, and maybe you will be stuck late night studying for a test, but don’t let any of that ruin your trip.

So what is Monica doing now that she is back at home? Well besides sobbing about wanting to go back, she is keeping up with new discoveries back at home. While abroad Monica wrote in a journal about every single experience to preserve the memory, now she has continued on with the habit and even bought a new journal to fill with adventures of the new year. Monica is excited to be home to reconnect with her family and friends, as well as her sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma. Going abroad fall term meant that she missed out of the exciting time of recruitment for Phi Sigma Sigma, which would have been her first time as a sister. The missed opportunities were not enough to get her down while she was gone, but rather lead to a much-anticipated homecoming. Her study abroad has even planted the seed of international career opportunities and travel after graduation. Study abroad has opened so many new doors for Monica that she never would have found from the comfort of campus here in Philadelphia


Dyana is a pre-junior at Drexel University with a double major in marketing and finance.  She is often stuck on campus studying for her majors, but in her free time she loves to explore what the city has to offer.  Dyana also loves to exercise and stay active all year round; she is always trying new workouts and researching the best way to stay active.  As a closet writer, she is excited to publish her work for Her Campus Drexel! 
Her Campus Drexel contributor.