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#LoveYourself: Orly Margulis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.


Name: Orly Margulis

Age: 20

Major: Journalism

Class: Sophomore (Class of 2019)

Relationship Status: Single


What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

Diligent, sarcastic, and dedicated.


What’s your favorite feature about yourself?

I would say my eyes and brows.


What advice would you give to young girls?

Be yourself without apologizing.


How do you define “beautiful”?

Being comfortable in your own skin, and a smile. A smile is always beautiful.


Who was the best female role model for you when growing up and why?

My grandmother, Trudy. She was a Holocaust survivor and the strongest woman ever. She taught me to be thankful, to work hard for what I want, and to love life no matter what.


What’s the best thing about being a woman in your opinion?

We can do anything we set our minds to, while wearing high heels I may add.


What’s one challenge you’ve faced as a woman? How did you combat it?

I’ve been told that I chose my major because I am a woman and I can’t do anything else. Writing is something I am extremely passionate about, but that doesn’t mean that I am in a major that is destined for women because “we can’t do anything else”. If I wanted to, I could have been an engineer or even a doctor, but writing is what makes me happy, so I will do whatever makes me happy.


What’s one stereotype about females that you want to counteract?

That we are weak and that we need a man to be completed. I believe that we need to do stuff for ourselves and create our own future, and if we share that with a man that would be wonderful.


What are your #goals for the future?

I dream of being published in a magazine, writing a novel, and having a family of my own.


Why do you #LoveYourself?

I love myself because I know I am beautiful and worth it, and if I don’t love myself I can’t expect other people to do so.

Orly is a Venezuelan senior at Drexel University majoring in Public Relations and double minoring in marketing and writing. In her free time, you can find her in a coffee shop writing, color-coding her way through life or binge watching One Tree Hill for the fifth time. She manages HCD's Facebook page as well as their Twitter and hopes to make a career out of social media someday.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.